The more time your pupil is in school, the more good learning they can do. In Leeds overall, primary attendance is at 95.9% and secondary at 93.9% for the 2016-17 academic year to date. The city has made great improvements in school attendance, with more children and young people in school and learning.
At St James’, attendance is just a little below this: 95.6%. Let’s do our best to at least match the city’s attendance by the end of the year!
You might also like to see how each year group is doing. Figures in green are higher than the Leeds average (95.9%).
- Reception: 95.7%
- Year 1: 95.6%
- Year 2: 95.1%
- Year 3: 96.2% – a great figure – well done!
- Year 4: 94.5%
- Year 5: 97.2% – another great figure – fantastic!
- Year 6: 95.1%
You can get an update on your child’s individual attendance whenever you like – ask at the school office.