Getting to know you

Thursday 14 September 2017

It’s been wonderful to see more smiling, happy faces as we welcomed our Foundation 1 children this week. Foundation 2 have been fabulous at lunchtimes and all of the class are settling well into school life. We are very proud of them.

We’ve been spending time talking about our favourite toys and activities both at school and at home, getting to know each other and continuing to explore our exciting classroom and outdoor space. The children have been adding their own artwork to the walls in the form of self-portraits and wowing us with their brilliant ideas and imaginations.

We now have a space on our Parent and carer notices board which gives a snapshot of the current week’s learning through photos and comments, so be sure to take a look at what your child has been up to!

Just a reminder that as the weather continues to trick us with sunshine mixed with heavy rain showers, it would be helpful if your child could bring in a pair of named wellies for the outside area (if they’ve not done so already). We go outside in all weathers and would like to look after those smart school shoes as best we can!