At St James’ CE Primary, we’re always wanting to keep getting better and better. Because of this, we value the support and advice from the Local Authority. Recently, our School Improvement Advisor visited; he spent a long time examining the learning journeys of children in Year 4 and, as well as providing us with useful recommendations, made lots of positive comments. These include:
In Maths books…
pupil response to feedback… is consistent and impacts on deepening of understanding
incisive and immediate feedback impacts on learning
clear learning journeys that provide appropriate incremental challenge and extended challenge for the more able
In Writing books…
clear evidence of learning sequences whereby elements of composition and grammar or punctuation are taught, rehearsed and applied via frequent (at least weekly) extended writing opportunity
good evidence of how reading is used to support the sentence level and grammar work seen in the children’s writing books
there is evidence that the majority are developing a neat, legible, joined handwriting style
In Reading books…
children have access to a wide range of texts including poetry, fiction, non-fiction and reference
teaching sequences are invariably linked to work seen in writing books
In Topic books…
the application of maths in topic work is some of the strongest the advisor has seen. These activities, which include Venn diagrams, classification tables, Carroll diagrams to categorise, and graph work are all relevant to the topic in hand and effective in helping children understanding the wider use of mathematics
good evidence to demonstrate the children enjoy a skills-based curriculum; for example, using map reading skills, globe use and practical science learning
Our School Improvement Advisor also did a ‘learning walk’ around school, spending some time in each class observing the teaching and learning that’s going on. He concluded:
Without exception across the school, teachers were observed demonstrated good subject knowledge and used this well to structure learning appropriately. Subsequently, the learning behaviours of the vast majority of children are such that they listened attentively, settled quickly to task and and applied themselves well. For example, in Y5/6 classroom the children were focused on an extended writing task that had been developed from exploring Romeo and Juliet… The teacher’s working knowledge of the children…meant all children, regardless of ability, could access the challenge. Meanwhile, in Early Years, the provision appeared imaginatively organised. Challenge boards evident in each area ensured activities had purpose. In Y1/2, although the children were coming from and going to an additional church-led activity in another part of school, they showed some good resilience in their adventure story writing activity.
Great stuff!