The End of Autumn 1!

Saturday 27 October 2018

Wow! What a busy half term we have had. We have developed lots of new skills, settled in to the routines of school life again and shared some magic moments in our learning.

Foundation 2 are flourishing in their phonics. Sid the squirrel has been super impressed with how they have explored and used each sound that he has shown them over the past eight weeks.


We have worked hard to become story-tellers, with everyone in F2 showing they can re-tell a story and some can even write the words or sentences from them! We have been using our fantastic imaginations to share our own ideas and create new stories too!


In maths, we have explored every aspect of our focus numbers and challenged ourselves in our counting, shape and size comparison.

F1 have enjoyed their key worker time, exploring nursery rhymes as a link to lots of different learning. They have been listening to stories, counting, constructing and sharing their thoughts, feelings and ideas.

We have started our PE sessions, working on balancing and movement. We can hop, skip and gallop. Importantly, we have shown that we can listen carefully and follow instructions to make sure that we are safe.

We have now voted for our new themes after half term, based on the children’s interests: Superheroes, Dinosaurs and Toys!

Half-term Home-link Challenges

F2- Please help us build up our role play area by using your ‘fiddly fingers’ to wrap up an empty box (in Christmas or any other style wrap) and add a label (included with the weekly up-date sent home) of what is inside and how much it costs. Please encourage your child to sound out their words and write the label independently.

F1- Please draw either a superhero picture or a picture of a toy for our toy shop. Please write down on the drawing exactly what your child has said about their writing in their own words.

Most importantly: have fun! Have a wonderful half term, Foundation 🙂 See you on 05 November.