The weekly update- An EGG-citing arrival!

Saturday 27 April 2019

On Tuesday, we had a super EGG-citing delivery. We have eight new eggs in our incubator! The children are already fascinated and having some great discussions. We have been taking care of our eggs and talking about how we need to be very careful around our incubator (we even have signs written by the children to remind us!)

The children watch the adults carefully turn the eggs twice a day, just like the mummy chicken would do. This time of year is so lovely, as the children get to explore more of their ‘understanding of the world’, of growth and of changes.

In literacy, we have been using our story actions to retell the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’ We will continue to explore the story next week.

F2 have been problem solving in maths this week, as we learn how to double. We have been focusing on the language of adding the same and making our added amount equal to our original number.

F1 have been such busy learners too! From painting, to exploring our counters in the maths areas, constructing and making water tracks using ramps and guttering outside, Our new children continue to thrive in Foundation and we are really proud of how they are following their new routines.

Home-Link Challenge-  F1 and F2

As we are thinking about the growth and changes of our little egg friends, we would like to open discussions with the children about their growth and changes. To support with this learning, please send in a baby photo of your child (a copy we can use in their learning) or email your photo to:

Funky Phonics

You are invited to our second ‘Funky Phonics’ workshop on Wednesday 1st May, 3.15-3.45 in the Foundation classroom. This is for F2 parents/carers to share in learning with your child and gain insight to what is ‘expected’ by the end of foundation stage, in children’s writing.

After School Club Places

Mrs Walton has four spaces available for the Thursday after school Lego Club, that she would like to make available to our Foundation 2 children. Please book on to the club through the office.