Fun, fun and more fun in Foundation!

Thursday 28 November 2019

Community Week

As part of Identity week in school, Foundation have been thinking about our school community and the people who work here. On Wednesday, all Foundation children went out in groups to help  Mr Atkins and talk about the work he does in school and how he keeps us safe.

Mrs Walshaw is visiting Foundation tomorrow to discuss her role in school and what she does to help us.

Fantastic Learning!

This week, Foundation have all shown an interest in books. They have enjoyed reading with adults, on their own and in groups which is marvellous to see. Encourage your child to read a range of things at home. This can be non-fiction, fiction, labels and magazines.

In the construction area, a group of children worked together to create an amazing model! They showed great enthusiasm when sharing and listening to ideas.

The F2 children went on a phonics hunt. This involved the children working together to find pictures around the classroom and match them with the CVC words. The children did some fantastic segmenting and blending!

The F1 children have had a great week exploring the movement area. A group of children used the musical instruments to play games and sing songs. In their key worker time, they have played counting games, tuned into different sounds and listened to stories.

Have you seen the new area in the classroom?

The role play area has turned into Santa’s Workshop – a popular area this week! The children have loved wrapping presents and writing labels to help Santa.

Christmas Production – this isn’t one to miss!

Foundation have been very busy practising the Christmas production. The children are very excited to perform on stage and show off their amazing singing!

Home-Link Challenge

It’s December on Sunday – Christmas is nearly here!
Visiting Santa in the next few weeks?
Bring in or send us a photo.

Write a letter to Santa with your child. Encourage them to do this independently and use their amazing phonic knowledge.
Draw a picture for Santa.
What will you draw for him?