W/C 23 March 2020: F1 Home Learning

Monday 23 March 2020

Phonics- Body Percussion

Play ‘Follow the Leader’ with your family. One person chooses some body percussion (for example, patting their knees, clapping their hands or clicking their fingers), the rest of the family have to copy the leader. Take turns to be the leader.

Activity- Toys
Have a look at your toys at home. Can you find a toy that can move, a toy that makes sounds and a toy that lights up? How do you make them work? Talk to your grown-up about the different ways your toys work. You could draw a picture of your favourite toy.

Phonics- Listening Walk
Go on a Listening Walk with an adult around your house and in your garden. Practise listening carefully to all the different sounds you hear. Talk about what you heard. Did you recognise all the sounds? Were they loud or quiet? Were they long or short sounds?

Activity- Be Creative!
Make a colourful collage. You could use bits of old fabric, paper, cardboard or even natural materials, like petals and leaves from your garden.

Phonics- Listening Walk
Go on another Listening Walk with an adult around your house and in your garden.  Talk about what you heard. Did you hear anything different today? You could draw some pictures of the things you heard.

Activity- Counting
Sing number- themed counting rhymes and use your fingers or small props to help you count, e.g. 10 Green Bottles or 5 Little Speckled Frogs.

Phonics- Voice Sounds

Play an animal themed guessing game. Make some sound effects for different animal noises and encourage someone to guess what animal sound you are making. You could ‘meow’ like a cat, ‘woof’ like a dog or ‘hisss’ like a snake. What other animal sounds can you make? You could sing ‘Old MacDonald’ with you adult.

Activity- Nature Scavenger Hunt
Go on a nature scavenger hunt around your garden. Use the checklist to tick off the things you find. I wonder what you will find… (see pack for checklist)

Phonics- Oral Blending
With a grown-up, play a listening game about a visit to a farm. “I went on a farm and I saw…” – instead of saying the animal name, split the word up into 3 letter sounds. Encourage your child to identify the animal by blending the 3 sounds together. For example: “I went to the farm and I saw a c-a-t.” “It’s a cat!” Try the words; cat, dog, pig, hen, cow, fox, duck.

Activity- Positional Language
Use a favourite toy or teddy and place it in different places around your house. You might place it under your bed, on top of the cupboard, in front of the TV or even in the bath! Encourage your child to describe the position of their item.

Please see your pack for other daily fun activities!

Please use the email address below if you have any questions about the home learning activities.