This half-term is proving to be super-sunny so hopefully you and your family have managed to spend some happy and healthy time outside. Please remember to make sure you’re all staying two metres away from others and not gathering in large groups, wherever you are, and remember to wash your hands before you head out and when you come back in again.
Here’s another reminder of what’s happening next week…
On Monday 01 June, we’ll be closed for all children. This is so that we can prepare for increasing numbers over the following weeks.
From Tuesday to Friday, school will be open for those using it as they are already and for some additional children. By now, we’ll have contacted you, we’ve agreed for your child to come back, and you’ll know that your child is expected.
Your child should only attend school if this has been agreed. Please don’t just turn up – we won’t have a safe place for your child at this stage.