A magical week!

Friday 26 November 2021

Our two focus books for this week have been: ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and ‘The Magic Porridge Pot’. The children have really enjoyed listening to these stories and we have used them as inspiration for our learning. Today, we took a ‘magic carpet ride’ with our wands and pretended to fly over the tops of the houses in Wetherby. We took an imaginary trip to the seaside, talked about what we would see if we visited some penguins and listed all of the animals we could visit on a farm. The children are becoming incredibly good storytellers and they all enjoyed suggesting places we could fly to on our imaginary journey. Earlier in the week, we used the lightbox to create different colours by overlapping transparent shapes and we made paperclips dance using magnets. We’ve also done some magical maths where we compared the height and size of different objects. We hope that the magic beans we planted will grow into a beanstalk but, just in case, we have created some of our own!

Next week, we will start celebrating Advent and we will begin thinking about the Christmas story.