03 December 2021

Friday 03 December 2021

This week’s Talk Time poses a moral dilemma that links to our current Art topic.

Is it right that a painting can cost a million pounds?

In fact, only weeks ago, Banksy’s ‘Love is in the Bin’ sold at auction for a record £16 million.


The question does not have a right or wrong answer. You may already have a strong view on this but a key part of your discussions at home will be taking others’ views into consideration. Following this week’s Remember 2s (R2s) will help with that:

Your discussions will build on the skills gained through this half term’s oracy focus: building on the views of others and reasoning. If you agree with someone else’s comments, you could respond with one of these sentence starters:

It might be that you disagree with the views of people in your household – that’s okay but it’s important to remember to respect their views, too. Whatever your opinion, using ‘because’ in your discussions will help you to put forward a strong argument.