04 March 2022

Friday 04 March 2022

This week’s Talk Time links to one of the Christian values: forgiveness.

I can describe situations when someone has forgiven someone else, either in real life or in a book or film.

Everybody strives to make good choices but when a bad choice is made, we encourage children to show forgiveness. A sincere apology brings about a ‘new beginning’ where we can move forwards quickly and without grudges.

When have you, or someone you know, shown forgiveness? Perhaps a character in a book or film has forgiven another character for their poor choices. Think of as many examples, big or small, as you can.

Here are some R2s that will help you if you’ve been upset by another person’s actions:

Sometimes, your words or actions might have caused upset for someone else. These R2s will help you in situations like that.