Roads and rails

Friday 01 July 2022

At nursery this week, the children have been discussing different types of vehicles, looking at maps and learning about road signs. To help us understand maps, we thought about our own classroom and made a simple plan of where everything belongs in the room. We worked out how to travel from the internal door, round the classroom and then out through the external door to the playground. We’ve also had fun making our own simple vehicles (lolly stick rafts) and we tested them to see if they would float. We thought about what we would need if we wanted to drive a car or a bus and we made our own steering wheels.

In maths, we’ve been learning about capacity and talking about empty, half-full and full. We used water, rice and uni-fix blocks to help us to understand the concept and we also used different sizes of containers to help us with our measurements.

It’s Sports Day on Tuesday morning so we hope to see lots of parents and carers in the crowd to cheer us all on. Please don’t go to any trouble buying a proper PE kit – a comfortable pair of shorts and a T-shirt (in your child’s team colour) will be perfect for the day.

Things to remember:

Please bring a NAMED water bottle to school and a NAMED hat for the warm, sunny weather.

Many thanks.