In the holiday mood!

Friday 15 July 2022

This week, we’ve been thinking about places we’ve visited on day trips and also places we’ve been to on holiday. We’ve discussed trips to the countryside and to the seaside and thought about what makes them different and why. We’ve talked about the beach and what we may find when we visit the seaside and compared it to walks in the countryside where we usually see lots of animals. In our home corner, we set up an ice cream parlour and took orders for different flavours and we also made some silly ice creams from foaming soap and paper straw sprinkles (not to be eaten, of course). We thought about postcards, what they look like and why people send them from their holidays. We also made our own passports and added a drawing of ourselves and our names so we can travel. At the end of the week, the children created a magic imaginary bus and they all had a go at being the driver. Our steering wheels from a couple of weeks ago came in very handy!

In phonics, we’ve continued to segment words containing 3 phonemes into individual sounds and have also orally blended sounds together to make short words. In maths we’ve been using positional language to describe where a variety of soft toys have been sitting in the classroom.

Next week, we’re all going to be pirates so we’ve started making our own telescopes in preparation to sail the high seas. Maybe we’ll see some magical creatures on our journey or, perhaps, find some treasure… Hoist the mainsail and off we go!

As the temperatures continue to rise and the beginning of next week looks like it will be extremely hot, please make sure you send your child to nursery with the following items: a water bottle, a sun hat, high factor sunscreen (to be applied before nursery) and loose clothing (please note that uniform is optional in nursery).

Many thanks.