Wow, what a week we’ve had in Year 2! It has been great to see the children looking happy and healthy as they return back to school. They have settled into our new classroom really quickly and it has been wonderful to hear about all the exciting things you have been up to over the summer holiday.
This week, in our living and learning session, Year 2 really impressed me with how well they understand our school rules. We discussed the three rules and how we can follow them, both in and out of the classroom. The children have certainly have put this into practice, with many compliments – how calm we are when getting on with our work and how sensibly we walk into collective worship. Keep this up, Year 2!
In maths, we have been recapping our knowledge of place value – see photos below from when we were ordering from greatest to smallest using our knowledge of tens and ones in a number. The children were tasked with ordering 3 numbers, but challenged themselves and wanted to order more! It was lovely to see how proud they were with their successes. We have also read and talked about our class novel, Vlad and the Great Fire of London, ahead of our topic learning starting next week. The first lesson will be focused on timelines. This weekend, why not discuss some events which would feature on a timeline of your life?
I have really enjoyed getting to know Year 2 this week and I am looking forward to lots of learning together. Please feel free to come and say hello or ask me any questions you have!