16 September 2022

Friday 16 September 2022

There’s a social theme to this week’s Talk Time.

In our school, we have 3 school rules:

  1. We keep our hands, feet and objects to ourselves.
  2. We follow instructions.
  3. We respect everyone and everything.

Is it important to have rules to follow in and outside of school? Is there a rule that we’re missing?

This week’s R2s (‘remember tos’) will help you to provide a balanced argument before you reach a conclusion:

One way to approach this Talk Time is to have a debate with people in your household. This will not only help you generate ideas but also practise a range of oracy skills. Last year, one of the oracy focuses was building on the views of others and reasoning. When someone raises a point that you’re in agreement with, use one of the following phrases to start your response:

On the other hand, you may disagree with a point made by a family member. When that’s the case, it can be hard not to interrupt them. Another oracy focus from last year was turn-taking. To be respectful of others’ opinions, wait until a person has finished speaking and then respond using one of these sentence starters or one of your own: