Week 6

Friday 14 October 2022

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our funky phonics session this week. We loved welcoming you into our classroom, so we could share our fantastic phonics learning with you. There will be lots of opportunities for you to join us in the classroom so please keep an eye out for future dates.

We have had a super Autumn week in Reception. Our focus book has been leaf man and we have had lots of lovely discussions about Autumn and the changes that we see. We used our treasures that we found on our Autumn walk to create our own leaf people!

We loved looking at the different trees on our Autumn walk and decided to create our own Autumn tree images. We thought carefully about the different colours we saw and how the leaves were on the trees and also on the floor.

Maths, maths everywhere! We have been using our maths learning to help us with a game of skittles. It was lots of fun trying to knock as many down as possible and then counting who had knocked down the most.

Could you be our next maths superhero? In class we have decided that we would like to reward someone for working really hard in maths. If you are nominated you get to wear our maths superhero cape and eye mask in class. Please send any super home maths work into school so we can share it with everyone.

Next week we have parent teacher consultations in school. If you have not already made an appointment and would like one please let me know.

Happy weekend everyone!

Mrs Payne