Week 6 – People who help us

Friday 17 February 2023

It’s hard to believe we are at the end of another busy half term! There has been so much great learning in Reception so thank you to everyone for working so hard!

This week we have been thinking about different jobs and different ways that people help us. We discovered that there are so many different ways to help others! Mr Atkins helped us to develop our building skills and we designed emergency vehicles and uniform for the emergency services.

We had a visit from Wetherby Fire Station on Thursday. It was amazing to see the fire engine and to learn more about what equipment they use and the different jobs the firefighters do.

On Tuesday it was Internet Safety Day. During the day we learnt different ways that we could stay safe online. We read a book called ‘Penguin Pig’ Which helped us to understand that not everything you see and read online is real. We then created our own made up animals so others could see not everything is real.

We love learning new poems and nursery rhymes during our daily poetry picnic sessions. This week we worked in small groups to create our poetry performances.


I hope you are all having a wonderful half term and look forward to seeing you all on Monday 20 February!