Let’s make a splash!

Friday 16 June 2023

We have had a very hot but busy week in Nursery. The children have done really well to keep themselves cool and hydrated. We talked a lot about sun safety and the importance of what this means. The children actively knew that when we were outside we needed to make sure we had our sun hats on, sun cream applied and we take some time out in the shade.

and of course a play in the paddling pool is also a bonus!

Our topic for this half term is focussed around the seaside. This week’s book has been… The snail and the whale by Julia Donaldson. In our maths learning we are exploring time. We talked about our morning and night time routines, here’s a few examples;

In the morning we wake up- Ella

I have a bath in the night and then put my pjs on and grandma reads a story- Gracie

I like to have a snack before bedtime- C

I like pancakes for my breakfast in the morning- Deacon

Here are some of the activities the children have been getting up to this week …

We made our own ocean exploring colour mixing with cornflour, water and powder paint. The children noticed how it can quickly change from a solid to a liquid.

We designed our own postcards from our favourite places.

The sea creatures were trapped so we needed to get our funky fingers working to untangle them. This process is supporting muscle development and fine motor control to supporting their writing.

We have also started our half term project, making our very own ice-cream parlour!


We hope you have a lovely rested weekend all ready in preparation for our school trip on Tuesday. We are so excited as I am sure you all are too!

Reminder- Tuesday 20 June (Piglets Adventure Farm)

Please make sure your child brings with them a small backpack that they are able to carry. This should include their packed lunch if they are bringing their own, a refillable water bottle, sun hat and some spare clothes just in case. I will be taking my own backpack full of emergency spares so please don’t worry if you forget something on the day.

Any last minute questions please feel free to catch me on the door or email me at: stjamesnursery@spherefederation.org

Miss Ward