Me and My Money Themed Week

Friday 10 November 2023

As part of our Me and My Money themed week we have been doing lots of different activities around money.

In English, we looked at how money is am important part of most people’s lives and the difference between using money to buy something we need and something we want. We also discussed where money comes from e.g. earning or being given and how people make different choices about how to save and spend their money. We also talked about where we can keep our money e.g. a bank or a money box and how some places are safer than others.

In Maths, we’ve been looking at the different coins and their value. We have been comparing the value of coins and making different values in a variety of ways.

We’ve also been comparing the value of some everyday products by ordering them from the least to the most valuable. We used our new oracy target which is building on the views of others, to have a respectful discussion.

Thank you for the coin donations for our penny trail. We enjoyed adding them to the trail this morning.

Help at home: Watch the Money Matters video clip and have a discussion at home about how we get and use money, where money comes from, the difference between needs and wants, budgeting and saving. Take the quiz at the end to see how much you can remember about using money.