Night Monkey, Day Monkey

Saturday 25 November 2023

We have had another busy week in reception, our focus book this week has been Night Monkey, Day Monkey by Julia Donaldson and Lucy Richards.

We have talked a lot about the things we do during the day at school and those we do at night at home.

Our word of the week was: Nocturnal, the children have enjoyed exploring the different animals that are nocturnal and active at night.

“Foxes are nocturnal, they are awake at night!”

“Hedgehogs are night time animals”

Help At Home: Draw a nocturnal animal and label it.

We have also had so much fun exploring shadows, when the sun eventually can out!  The children really enjoyed trying to stand on each others shadows, especially on Mrs Kendrew’s head! They even used objects to try to see the shadow shapes they made on the ground. Great work everyone!


This week the children have focused on the diagraphs zz, qu and ch and the phoneme z. we have also looked at words with s added at the end like hats, sits.

We’ve also learnt the tricky words: go, no, to, into, his

Help at home: Today, your child has come home with a new ‘learn at home’ phonics sheet. The sheet links to all the phonemes we have covered this week. Please support your child by practising these at home.

Poetry Picnic

Each week we will be learning a new poem. We will recite the poem each day. By saying the poem out load we can focus on the sounds and rhythm of each word or line.

this week our poem was Shoes

Before I jump into my bed,

Before I dim the light,

I put my shoes together,

So they can talk all night.

I’m sure they would be lonesome,

If I tossed one here or there,

So I put my shoes together,

For they are a friendly pair.


In Maths, we have begun to explore composition by focusing on the concept of ‘wholes’ and ‘parts’. The children have explored their own bodies and familiar toys to begin to understand that whole things are often made up of smaller parts and that a whole is, therefore, bigger than its parts. We have made whole faces by adding different parts of eyes, ears a mouth and a nose.

Help at home: Sing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes to your grown up and tell them some of the parts you have on your body that make up the whole of you.

Next week our focus book is How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers and we will also be looking at the artist Claude Monet.

Thank you to those families who sent in recordings of the children singing their favourite nursery rhyme, they have been lovely to watch. Thank you also to those who came to the Maths Stay and Learn session, please do get in touch if you ever have any questions.


We will be doing PE on Monday, please send your child to school wearing their PE kit and trainers and all jewellery removed. They will stay in their PE kit all day.

Stay and Learn Sessions

This is an opportunity for you to come into school to find out about the Early Years Curriculum and watch your child Learning in school.

Phonics Phase 3- 16.1.24 2.20pm-3.00pm

Early Writing- 05.02.24 2.20pm-3.00pm

World Book Day 07.03.24 -8.50am-9.20am

Learning Journey Drop In’s

An opportunity to “drop into” school and share your child’ learning journal with them.

Times- 8.45am-9.15am and 3.15pm-3.45pm (Tuesday and Thursday)

Week beginning 11.12.23

Week beginning 25.03.24

Week beginning 08.07.24

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs. Kendrew, Mrs. Rippon and Miss. Feldman