Forest School is back and we have been learning about plants in Science
In year one the children have been learning about plants. At the start of the term, each child planted their own sunflower and we have been eagerly observing them grow.
The children in class have been monitoring the sunflowers and making sure they have everything they need – light, water, oxygen.
Evergreen and deciduous trees
The children have also been learning about the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees. They can now identify specific features of an evergreen tree and a deciduous tree:
- Keep their leaves all year round.
- Leaves have a waxy coating.
- Leaves can often be spikey or sharp.
- Lose their leaves in Autumn.
- Have colourful leaves and blossom.
- Leaves are often flat and fragile.
Forest School
The children have been extremely excited to get outside for this term’s Forest School. On Friday afternoon’s, they will spend the whole afternoon outside in our own forest. Here they enjoy learning about nature, getting stuck in with outdoorsy crafts and generally getting mucky.