We’ve been on a minibeast hunt this week and they are everywhere!
We have been reading a non-fiction book this week – ‘ Minibeast Food’ by Charlotte Guillian
What better place to search for minibeasts, than in our own forest!
We found lots of different minibeasts including, worms, earwigs and centipedes!
It’s got so many legs! -Charlie
Miss ward it’s tickling my hand -Immy
I’ve found a big fat slug, it gets smaller when you touch it – Ella D
It needs a leaf to eat, I think it’s hungry -Evie
Help at home: Can you find any minibeasts in your garden or out on a walk? here’s a little checklist to help you ..
With all the rain we had on Monday it created a monster puddle! which we all thoroughly enjoyed. MUD SLIDE!
We also looked at the symmetrical patterns on butterflies wings and created our own versions. we looked in detail at the different colours and patterns and used these to explore colour mixing.
This weeks sound is: ‘Z’ Zebra
Rhyme of the week: Ring a Ring of roses
Have a happy and healthy weekend everybody!
Miss Ward, Miss Harvey and Miss Feldman