Farmyard Hullabaloo

Thursday 23 May 2024

This week our focus book has been Farmyard Hullabaloo by Giles Andreae and David Wojtowycz.

We have enjoyed learning about what a farm is and the different jobs farmer’s do. We  also have also talked about the different names for farm animals and their young.

“We need farmers to give us food like potatoes and carrots.”

“Farmers collect the eggs from their chickens, milk their cows.”

Our word of the week this was herd the children have really enjoyed using this during their learning.

“I can see a herd of cows.”

“There are lots of sheep in the photo, that means there are a herd of sheep!”

Poetry Picnic

This week we our poem was The Fox

The fox is smart,

And sly as can be,

And a great big bushy tail has he.

He can run very fast,

And his fur is red,

And he lives in the woods in  his tree trunk bed.

The classroom Challenges this have been

We had a great time at forest school, the children really enjoyed being ‘the teachers’ showing Mrs Kendrew all the fun things they can do.

Next week our Focus book is My Body Book and we will be naming the different parts of our body and talking about keeping healthy.