Biology – reproduction of plants

Sunday 16 June 2024

Years 5 and 6 are engaging really well in our biology unit (reproduction). This unit links really well to our RSE lessons – the children have made accurate and appropriate links during both of these sessions.

This week, we have been looking at the different ways that plants can reproduce:

Sexual reproduction:

This method requires two plants. We have learnt about the male and female parts of plants and how they interact to create a seed or fruit (offspring). The stamen (male) produces pollen, which is transferred, by insects or wind, to the stigma of another plant (female). Here, the pollen fertilises and egg within the ovary and offspring is produced.


Asexual reproduction

Asexual reproduction is where a plant can reproduce on its own – it doesn’t need another plant to be fertilised.  There are various types of plants that are able to reproduce this way (below). The children found this extremely interesting – we even discussed being able to make clones of ourselves!

The children then went out into our gardening area to find some examples of plants that could reproduce in both ways.

Help at home: 

Go outside with your child and explore some of the plants in your garden/in your local area. Which method of reproduction would match each plant? Why? Typically, flowering plants reproduce sexually, but not always!