What’s the commotion?

Sunday 23 June 2024

For the next two weeks the children will be reading ‘ Commotion in the Ocean’ by Giles Andreae

In Nursery we have been talking about different parts of our books. We know that the author is someone who writes the words in our stories and the illustrator is someone who draws the pictures. Next week, we are going to talk about what a blurb is!


After all our hard work in looking after our vegetables, our pototoes we’re finally ready! We dug down deep into the soil to pull them out. We washed them and popped them into the fridge ready to make some potato salad next week for us to try. I think they will be yummy!

Help at home: What vegetables have you grown before? What did they taste like? Which was your favourite? 

If you have any photos of your vegetables growing please send them in so we can have a look at them during ‘snack and chat’.



WC. 24/06 the children have been asked to wear their PE kit all week. This is so we can practice our sports day races ready for you all on Wednesday!

Nursery and Reception Sports Day- Wednesday 26 June from 9am (children will be out on the field by 9:30)

If your child doesn’t usually attend a Wednesday, we are more than happy for you to come along and join in, just drop off at Nursery as normal.

Please can your child be wearing suncream before coming to Nursery and be provided with a hat, it’s set to be a hot one this week!

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Ward, Miss Harvey and Miss Feldman