Our governors play an active role in our school – find out more about the governing body and what they do. One of our governors is responsible for collecting the views of pupils – an important role because we value the views of pupils so much. As well as staff in school, it’s useful for a governor to do this because children sometimes prefer to talk to an ‘outsider’.
Here’s what our governor found following a recent visit where she spoke with a group of pupils:
All of the children said they enjoyed school.
- Y1: ‘I like school because it is fun.’
- Y3: ‘I enjoy school because we get to do fun learning.’
- Y6: ‘I enjoy school because we get to spend time with our friends and do loads of different things.’
All children were sure that their teachers helps them.
- Y5: ‘My teacher sits next to me and explains it a little more so that I feel more confident.’
- Y4: ‘My teacher sometimes gives me a step in my book and that helps me understand things a bit better.’
All children said that their learning is challenging.
- Y6: ‘Sometimes, my teacher gives me learning that means I have to think about lots of things at once. Like in maths. I have to think about division, money and times tables. It’s hard!’
All children enjoy learning.
- Y2: ‘School is lots of fun.’
- Y4: ‘I enjoy doing RIC in reading sessions.’
- Y5: ‘I enjoy doing art learning with Mrs Bald.’
All children thought that their teacher listened to what they have to say.
- Y6: ‘My teacher listens to what I have to say in all lessons. When we read our class novel and she asks our opinion, she listens to what I have to say.’
- Y4: ‘My teacher listens to me in all the lessons. She always makes sure everyone else listens too so that we follow the school rules.’
All children knew to speak to an adult if something was worrying them.
- Y5: ‘We can find an adult even at lunchtime if we have a worry.’
Linked to this, all the children could tell the governor that they could write a worry down and the teacher ‘would know it was in there’. One comment relating to bullying was interesting: ‘Sometimes people fall out but I don’t think it is bullying.’