At the end of last year, the pupils in Year 5 and 6 completed a My School My Health survey and one of the findings from the survey was how many of us have negative feelings around our own body image. This week, we had a Dove workshop all about self-esteem and body image. With many unrealistic images in the media and on social media, it’s important to explore our feelings and thoughts around this issue.
This is what some of the children had to say after the workshop:
“I will remind my friends not to say “I want to be like them,” but I will tell them to be themselves.”
“I will look at pictures and see how much editing/work they have done to this image. I need to say to myself that they are fake and don’t change yourself.”
“I pledge to think about myself in a better way and not compare myself to others.”
“I will remind people that we need to respect ourselves and others. I will disagree to negative comments on social media. “