01 April 2020

Wednesday 01 April 2020

Happy Wednesday! I hope you’re all managing to stay as active as possible. Maybe you’ve been doing PE lessons with Joe Wicks or going for a walk. I’ve been enjoying Oti Mabuse’s dance classes on Youtube – it has really helped to motivate me and put me in a good mood!

Answers to yesterday’s learning tasks:


Are all multiples of 8 multiples of 4?  Yes

Are all multiples of 4 multiples of 8? No


Annie is double her sister’s age.

They are both older than 20 but younger than 50.

Their ages are both multiples of 7.

What are their ages?    Annie is 42 and her sister is 21

Answers to the history task:

  1.  Bowl used for cooking or holding food.
  2. Bone/antler comb for personal grooming.
  3. Gaming piece- possible made from whalebone. It would have been used in a board game as a counter.
  4. Silver bracelets- the rings were mainly used as jewellery but some were used as a form of payment. 

Today’s learning is multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.

Remember, if we’re multiplying by 10, 100 or 1000 the digits move to the left. If we’re dividing by 10, 100 or 1000 the digits move to the right.

Complete the fluency questions.


Rosie has £300 in her bank account. Tommy has 100 times more than Rosie in his bank account.

How much more money does Tommy have than Rosie?

Writing task:

Leeds United Primary Stars are setting youngsters a poetry challenge all about ambition. The website has all the information you need to have a go at writing your own poem. You can enter your poem and send it to plprimarystars@premierleague.com or share on Twitter @PLCommunities with the hashtag #PLPrimaryStars.

Art task:

I’ve found some tutorials on You tube that show you different mindfulness doodles/drawings you can have a go at. When I had a go, it made me feel calm and relaxed. Here is the start of my doodling….

Zen doodle

3D hole

Doodle patterns