W/C 20 April 2020: Teddy Diary

Monday 20 April 2020

Hello Foundation! We hope you all had a fabulous Easter at home with your family.

Teddy Diary
Hello Foundation,
My name is Maddie and I belong to Miss Marsden.

I am very cuddly and friendly teddy bear. I love going on adventures and helping Miss Marsden around the house. We have been keeping each other occupied over the Easter holidays.  Here are a few pictures of what I’ve been up to.

I love to help Miss Marsden cook. I used the wooden spoon to stir the vegetables for the stew. It was delicious!





Miss Marsden and I did some mindfulness colouring. This activity helped us relax our minds. It also was improving our fine motor skills!





Here I am sat in Miss Marsden’s window. Lots of children spotted me when they were doing a bear hunt on their daily exercise. I saw lots of smiles and made sure I gave all the children a wave.





It has been lovely and sunny the past two weeks.
Miss Marsden and I have had lots of fun in the garden. Here I am helping Miss Marsden plant some flowers. Every night, Miss Marsden waters the flowers. They need lots of water and sunshine to help them grow!




Each day, I have been helping Miss Marsden put the washing out. Here I am sat inside the wash basket haha!





We’ve had lots of sunshine over the Easter holidays! Before I sat outside, I remembered to put on my sun cream. Do you like my sunglasses?





We used some of our chocolate Easter eggs to make Rice Krispie buns.  First, we melted the chocolate. Then, we mixed the Rice Krispies so they were covered in chocolate. Finally, we decorated them with some ice-cream sweets. Of course, we had to try one!




Your Turn!
Choose a teddy to create your own diary. Simply draw, write and take photographs about the adventures you’ve had and add them to your diary. This can be done on a daily basis or every other day.
Please don’t forget to send us photographs of your diary so we can see what you’ve been up to with your teddy.
Miss Marsden will post more photographs on the website of her diary.