Happy Wednesday – half way through the week already!
How are you all feeling? Are you learning different ways of doing things during Lockdown? What are you finding harder? It’s all rather strange, isn’t it? I’m developing my computer skills and finding different ways to communicate with friends and family near and far. You can email us both to let us know how you are.
Maths: Yesterday’s answers: Year 3 and Year 4. Today’s learning: Year 3 -Dividing by 4 and Year 4 – Applying mental multiplication If I know 3 x 4 = 12, then I know 30 x 4 = 120
Reading: The tunnel
We are learning about adverbs. Watch the two clips from BBC bitesize to remind you.
Read the example ‘My narrow escape from the leopard‘: Impala and leopard recount. Identify and highlight any adverbs or adverbial phrases for WHEN, WHERE or HOW. You could also copy them into your book and make your own bank of adverbials.
Challenge: You could create some of your own sentences using adverbs and adverbials about the Impala and the leopard. Use the adverbial phrase mat and fronted adverbials to help you.