Happy Friday!
Thank you to everybody who has been keeping in touch and emailing me some of their learning.
Look out for a video message from all the staff at school; we’re all missing you very much!
Today’s learning…
Maths: angles
Year 6: angles in a triangle
How did you get on with the triangle investigation yesterday? All the angles should have fitted on a straight line because all angles in a triangle total 180 degrees. Here is today’s activity and challenge.
Reading: fact and opinion
First of all, use this BBC Bitesize guide to remind you of the difference between facts and opinions.
Now, open up the FirstNews paper and go to page 4: it’s called 20 things to know and tell. Read the article and then answer these questions.
Challenge: I would like you to tell us your opinion about any article from this week’s FirstNews. I want you to email me with your views. You should tell me the article you’ve read and what you think about it. However, in your explanation, I’d like you to include some facts, too. You can show me that you know these are facts by underlining or writing them in bold. I can’t wait to see what you guys think of the articles – please email your response to nataliebeatson@spherefederation.org
Music: BBC Bitesize singing with feeling
Here’s something slightly different for your home learning. Watch the videos and complete activity one and two. Send me the notes about your favourite song so I can share them with the rest of the class on the class news.
Challenge: discuss your favourite song with someone in your family. Compare it to their favourite song. What are the similarities and differences?