At St James’, we’re always keen to hear your views. We hope that you let us know of any questions, comments and concerns (as well as causes for celebration!) whenever these crop up, but we like to gather your views in our annual survey, too.
We know that in the current situation, it might feel a bit strange to be asking you questions about learning when it’s you who’s currently teaching your child. You might also feel you’ve no time to respond. Because of this, we’ve tried to keep the survey short and simple this year:
- we’ve used only some of the questions that Ofsted asks
- all you need to do is click on the relevant response for each question
- there’s just one space for comments at the very end, only if you’d like to add anything or explain one of your answers
The survey should only take about five minutes, and you’ve plenty of time – the deadline is Friday 29 May 2020.
Although we can’t guarantee to meet the needs and wants of every parent / carer, we do assure you that if specific areas for improvement are highlighted by the responses from this survey, we aim to act on these.
We’re looking forward to receiving your responses.