1.Sing the tricky word songs.
Phase 3:
Phase 4:
Phonics Activity:
Can you spot any tricky words in this story? How many did you find?
Now that we have reached the number 20, we will be doing lots of revisiting and revising of the teen numbers. If you have powerpoint at home, have a go at these twinkl slides. There is also a worksheet for all to have a go at.
(Top Tip: Treat each flower pot as a tens frame. You can only have a maximum of 10 in each pot!)
Cherry’s Flowerpots Counting to 20 Powerpoint Cherry’s Fowerpots (Powerpoint slides)
Counting to 20 (Worksheet)
Book of the week: Monkey Puzzle
- It’s puppet show time! Use the puppets, setting and story maps you have made to retell the story Monkey Puzzle
- You could record your puppet show and email it to us at:
Here is an example video by Mrs Flynn at Scholes Primary School:
Have a fantastic weekend!