We hope you’ve all had a happy and healthy summer break. We’re both looking forward to seeing you all and hearing your news.
Below is a list of key points to remember:
- Mrs Freeman will be working on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays.
- Mrs Welsby will be working on Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays.
- Mrs Walton will be with us all week.
- Please ensure your child has a coat (named) every day.
- Water bottles can be brought into school and can be refilled throughout the day.
- PE is on a Tuesday and a Friday. Your child should come to school in PE kit on those days. They will remain in their kit for the whole day.
- The school uniform policy is on our website. Please check if you are unsure about any items of clothing or footwear.
- If you have come across any reading books or library books, please bring them back into school.
- PLEASE put your child’s name in their jumpers, cardigans and coats!
- School starts at 08:50, so see you then!
Please do ask if you have any queries.
Mrs Freeman and Mrs Welsby