Our focus book this week has been The Gingerbread Man and the children have really enjoyed listening to the story. We have re-told the story using props and have included gingerbread men in our learning. We’ve even decorated some gingerbread biscuits to take home! The children have also been busy making their own musical instruments, creating fabulous junk-models, mixing beautiful gingerbread colours and drawing around their outlines to make ‘people patterns’. We have revisited ‘heaviest’ and ‘lightest’ in our maths and have checked our predictions using balance scales. We found out that larger objects are not always heavier than smaller ones.
After half term we’ll be celebrating Shrove Tuesday and we’ll also be dressing up for World Book Day. Which is your favourite character from a book?
All of the Nursery staff wish you a happy, healthy and safe half term. We look forward to seeing you all again on Tuesday, March 1st.