Our first Talk Time of this term poses a moral dilemma.
Plants and animals should not have the same rights as humans.
In a previous Talk Time, you’ve discussed human rights and the responsibilities that go with them. Recapping these could be how you choose to start this week’s conversations.
You might already have strong opinions on the matter but when faced with a statement such as this, it’s always worth exploring both sides of the argument so that you can make an informed decision.
These prompts might help you to consider things in a different way:
- Could plants and animals share all of the same rights as humans?
- If the rights were the same, who would be responsible for ensuring it?
- Are some rights easier to achieve than others?
- What should the consequences be for neglecting those rights?
- Should the level of punishment depend on whether the victim is a plant, animal or human?
- These are some topics you might discuss: deforestation, animal testing, human diet, hunting animals for fun
Last half term’s oracy focus was turn-taking. This skill will be very important in this task so refer to these R2s:
- If a person is speaking, listen to what they are saying.
- Let that person finish their point without interrupting them.
- When that person has spoken, acknowledge what they’ve said before making your point. Try using some of these phrases:
- I agree with that because…
- I also think that…
- Adding to what you said…
- I disagree with that because…
- I hear what you’re saying but…
- On the other hand, …