Who are you?

Friday 27 September 2024

We’ve had a lovely few weeks settling back into Nursery. As we have made new friends we started to talk about out families and who is important to us.

We became artists and captured our families on paper. Each child chose a colour to represent each person within their family.

In the early years, your child’s main way of learning and developing is through play. Building these realtionships between family and Nursery helps your child learn key life skills, like communicating, thinking, solving problems, moving and being with other children and grown-ups.

Spending time playing together sends your child a simple message – you’re important to me. This message helps your child learn about who they are and where they fit in the world and we foster this within Nursery!


Help at Home: 

As the weather is beginnng to change, so is our environment. This is the perfect time go out for a family walk and see what you can find!

Please bring in all your lovely Autumnal treasures so we can add them to our tuff tray next week.

Have a happy and healthy weekend!

Miss Ward and Miss Harvey