Maths – Flexible Partitioning

Monday 30 September 2024

In our ongoing maths quest to master place value, we’ve been partitioning flexibly…

Sounds fancy, but what does it mean?

The children have been learning the component parts of numbers and the value of their digits. For example:

75 is made up of 7 tens and 5 ones.

The value of the 7 is 70.

The value of the 5 is 5.

70 plus 5 is equal to 75

70 + 5 = 75

We’ve been exploring the different ways that numbers can be partitioned. For example:

60 + 15 = 75

54 + 21 = 75

23 + 52 = 75

Help at home by exploring flexible partitioning. Use these stem sentences to help secure understanding of number.

The number is ___.
___ is made up of __ tens and __ ones.
The value of the __ is __.
The value of the __ is __.

How else can the number be partitioned?