We’ve been reading ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. If you have this story at home then please enjoy reading it together. If not, you might want to listen to Cbeebies sharing it for their story time.
Construction Champions- Our building skills have been amazing this week, we’re thinking about what we want to make and then using it in our play after. Look at these car ramps, hotels and even a passenger ferry.
Mark making is such an important part of our learning in Nursery, we’ve been busy making marks in sand, painting, in our message centre and outside on the big whiteboard. We’re working really hard to hold our pencil comfortably so we have good control.
Help at home: We’re really enjoying our Nursery Rhymes, see if the children can perform you their favourite one. The Grand Old Duke of York, Baa Baa Black Sheep and 1,2,3,4,5 are the most requested.
Heavier Or Lighter?
This week, we have been thinking about weight.
We have been comparing objects in our classroom and using the words ‘heavier’ and ‘lighter’ to describe them.
Sometimes, we were tricked! Some of us thought that the biggest object might be the heaviest. We now know,
that’s not always the case!
Help at home: Can you compare some objects that you have? Which feels heavier and lighter when you feel them?
Dinosaur Roar!
We’ve been reading Dinosaur Roar this week in Nursery and finding out about dinosaurs.
Can you remember some of the dinosaurs from the story?
“Dinosaur weak, dinosaur strong, dinosaur short or dinosaur very, very long”
We made a volcano in our sand tray, painted dinosaurs using frozen paint and made dinosaur footprints using Playdough.
Next week, we’ll start some new learning about weight. We will be using words such as heavy, light, heavier and lighter to compare different objects.
Help at home: You could continue this learning at home by asking questions during everyday activities.
Which bag from the supermarket is heaviest/ lightest? Which toy is lighter? Can you find something that is lighter than the bottle of milk? Can you find something that is heavier than a packet of crisps?
Forest School
We had so much fun in our forest school session and have been showing our friends new to Nursery what it’s all about.
We’re back and we’ve been super busy!
The children settled in so well after their Christmas break. They’ve been brilliant at going back to their usual routines and I’ve been so impressed with their self-care skills. Lots of children can put their coats on themselves and take shoes and socks off for PE.
In PE we’ve been practising climbing, balancing and jumping as well as our coordination skills with bean bags and quoits.
For Maths we’ve been building our mastery with number 1! We can represent one using our hands, with Numicon, by making marks and collecting one object.
Have a go at home by watching Number Blocks, Number 1, then find ways to represent 1 in your house. We’d love to see any photos or videos!
Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog (it’s along the play bar) and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip
Next week!
Next week our book will be Dinosaur Roar!
Festive fun!
We have been enjoying lots of festivities this week!
We’ve been designing out own Christmas cards, decorating baubles and making our own party hats ready for Christmas dinner day. We may have also had a special visitor in to see us.
We have also been reflecting on this years half-term. Our Christian value this half-term has been- Compassion. The children understand that to be compassionate is to be kind and caring . Here are some of the children’s thoughts on what being kind is too them.
I’m kind to my friends when I share my cars- J
If someone needs help I am kind to them- Oria
If someone hurts themselves I can get a Teacher to help them feel better- Avery
I like to give people a hug- Elliott
Miss Feldman is kind because she gets us some snack and milk- Blossom
The Nursery team would like to wish you all a happy, healthy Christmas and a wonderful New Year!
A special mention from myself to say Thank you for a wonderful last term. It has truly been an enjoyable experience and it’s amazing to see all the progress that has been made since September. I will be signing off for a little while now to enjoy spending some time with my family and entering into motherhood. I hope to see you all soon, Miss Ward.
National Santa Dash
On Friday, all children took part in the National Santa Dash. This event was all about having some fun whilst being active.
We’ve decided to extend this event: we’ll be holding an Easter and Summer Dash, too! Our goal is to allow pupils to set some targets and improve on their personal bests through the year.
Here are some photos – enjoy!
Whatever Next!
This week our focus story has been another fabulous book by Jill Murphy
We took our teddies and space helmets into space in our rockets. We had a lovely picnic and saw lots of things on the way too.
Can we go to the moon now? – Blossom
Look it’s an Owl, it’s nocturnal- Elliott
We need to have our picnic now, I’ll get the food – J
I’ve got some watermelon- Avery
Oh no it’s raining, we need our puddlesuit- Oria
We need to go back now to get our bath beacause we are dirty- T
Big rocket- Tate
Help at home: Take a journey to the moon, what will you see?
If you have any empty boxes at home you could decorate it and take your grown-up’s on a journey. Don’t forget to be back in time for your bath before bed.
Have a lovely weekend!
The Nursery Team
Peace at last!
This week we have been reading ‘ Peace at last‘ by Jill Murphy
We have been talking about all the different noises Daddy Bear could hear whilst he was trying to get to sleep! Some of those being animals outside, Can you remember what kind of animals are awake at night time?
That’s right.. Nocturnal!
One of our favourite nocturnal animals has been the Hedgehog. Sometimes we see them around school, especially in our forest area. We must remember to be quiet as they are sleeping.. Shhhh!
This week we were scientist, we made some delicious hedgehog bread. We talked about the ingredients we needed and how to use the weighing scales to measure how much we would need. Once we mixed our dough, we had to give it a good knead- this is a fantastic fine motor skill to help strengthen your child’s hand’s. We made sure our key ingredient was in.. Yeast. Without the yeast the dough wouldn’t rise. The children observed the process of the dough rising before we put them in the oven.
Here is our end result!
Help at home: Have a go at making some bread at home, What animal could you do this time? below is the recipe we used to make our bread
- 400g of wholemeal bread flour
- 1 sachet of yeast
- 380ml of luke warm water
- 2 tbsp of vegetable oil
- 1 tbsp of salt
Mix all the ingredients together and then knead for 10 minutes.
Shape your dough and add in any extras such as raisins for eyes.
Allow ro rise for 1 hour in a warm place.
Place your dough into the oven at 180 for 15 mins, (make sure your grown-up helps with this part)
Allow to cool and enjoy!
Reminder of Parent Consultations this coming Monday 25 November 3:30-5:30pm
We’re going to the Moon!
Some of the children may have come out to you on Friday saying they need to bring snacks and a teddy as we’re going to the moon. This is partly true apart from we will be providing the snacks! So please just bring one of your teddies to school with you next week. I’ve got mine ready, he can’t wait to go!
Have a lovely weekend
The Nursery Team
We’re all different!
This week we celebrated ‘odd socks day’ for anti-bullying week. We all wore different socks to represent the differences in each other and how we’re all unique.
We also read a story called ‘Odd dog out‘ by Rob Biddulph. All she wants to do is fit in, so she goes on a very long journey to find a place where she will be just like everyone else. After months of walking, she finally discovers the place she’s been looking for. But, she soon realises that being who you are is the best way to be!
We also joined in with World Nursery rhyme week. We sang along to familiar nursery rhymes and added these into our provision. We made 5 current buns on the playdough table, a farm for Old MacDonald and we also enjoyed some library time, reading some of our favourite stories.
Help at home: Being who you are is the best way to be! just like Odd dog out. What makes you different? What makes you, YOU?
I love the colour green and I often like to wear this colour! That’s what makes me, ME! – Miss Ward
Have a lovely weekend everyone
The Nursery Team
Festivals and Remembrance
This week we have been talking about Diwali- The festival of light. We explored the meaning of Diwali and what happens during this festival. We also talked about Bonfire Night and why we celebrate this day.
The children were very creative this week and got stuck into lots of messy activities. We made Diya lamps from clay and decorated them with lots of bright colourful paints and glitter. We also made some firework pictures using our favourite colours. We made a cut out using a tube and used this to make prints on our paper to look like fireworks.
Help at Home: Next week is World Nursery Rhyme week.
We have been learning lots of new nursery rhymes since the start of September. Can your child remember which ones we have learnt and can they sing their favourite using the actions?
This Sunday is a special day where we remember all those who faught in the war. This can be a sad time for many, so here is a little video that the children in Nursery have watched this week to help them understand more. From this, we made our own poppies to display on our wreath in Early Years.
- World Nursery Rhyme week.
- Tuesday 12 Nov– ‘ Odd socks day’ this is to symbolise that we are all different and that children should be themselves and be accepting of one another.
- Friday 15 Nov – it is non-uniform day for Children in Need.
Have a lovely weekend
The Nursery Team