Year 2 Class News

Living and learning : consent

Posted on Friday 20 May 2022 by Mrs Palmer

This week, we have been particularly talking about consent (permission) in our Living and Learning lessons. We talk about consent all the time though, for example, when we’re taking photos or video.

We also talked about different scenarios and how we can respond appropriately.

This week’s bible story

Posted on Monday 16 May 2022 by Mr Roundtree

Jesus in the temple: Matthew 21:12-13


Have ever been really angry? Is there a difference between being angry because we can’t get our own way and being angry because something really isn’t right or fair? Can they think of a story when Jesus was angry?

The following story probably happened during the week leading up to Easter. Jesus had just entered Jerusalem on a donkey. Crowds of people came to see him and cheered him as a hero. Many powerful people were worried about how popular Jesus had become and some didn’t like his teaching.

The Temple in Jerusalem was a place of pilgrimage, especially at the time of the Passover. People would bring offerings, often of animals, as symbols of thanksgiving or of sorrow for past sins. These animals could be bought at the entrance to the Temple. It seems likely that the people who sold the animals, the money-lenders or merchants of the story, were charging too much and cheating the poor. Jesus may have heard about this, although that is not recorded in the Gospels. listen carefully to the story and think about the following:

How they think Jesus is feeling.
What Jesus does.
What he says.

Read the story of Jesus in the temple.



How do you think Jesus was feeling?
What did he do?

What did he say?

Was Jesus putting himself in danger by expressing his anger? are surprised to hear a story in which Jesus expresses anger. Why do they think he was angry? Are there times when it is right to show we are angry? Is it right to be angry about injustice or unfairness? What was Jesus trying to change by his anger?

Think about a time when you have been angry. Was it right to be angry?



God of all creation,
Help us as we try to understand all our feelings.
Help us to recognize when we are angry
and to see when things we do or say make other people angry.
Help us to see the difference between anger that is selfish
and anger that seeks justice for others or ourselves.
Help us to choose our actions with care, courage and love.

This week’s bible story

Posted on Monday 09 May 2022 by Mr Roundtree

Jacob steals Esau’s blessing: Genesis 27


The bible says that Peace comes through forgiveness and repentance (saying sorry).

Read the story about Jacob and Esau and see how they were not at peace with each other. After Jacob had stolen Esau’s birth right, he ran away and the brothers lived apart for many years.



How could he be at peace with his brother, when he had done so many wrong things? Would they be able to live peacefully? When they met, Jacob tried to give Esau gifts, but Esau just forgave him. This is a beautiful example of peace between two brothers after years of being angry and apart!



Dear God,

Thank you that there are examples in the bible where we can see peace between family and friends. Help us to be at peace with our friends and family.


This week’s bible story

Posted on Monday 02 May 2022 by Mr Roundtree

‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.’  John 14:27


What do you understand by the word ‘peace’.

The Oxford English Dictionary lists various definitions for the word ‘peace’.

– One definition is ‘freedom from disturbance; tranquillity’. Can you use this definition of peace in a sentence. For example, ‘The teacher wanted to have a few minutes’ peace in the staffroom.’
– Another definition is ‘a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended’. Can you use this definition of peace in a sentence? For example, ‘After the Second World War ended, there was a time of peace.’

In 1981, 37 years ago, an organization called the United Nations set up a very special day called the International Day of Peace. The event is observed by people all over the world on 21 September every year. The aim of the day is to encourage everyone to commit to peace, despite there being many differences among us. People observe the day in various ways. Some people have special parties; others bring everyone together to eat in peace. Some people put up peace poles; others organize peace workshops. One thing that is common to all of the different groups of people is that they aim to have one minute of silence at midday.

The world is spinning on its axis in space. As the world turns, midday occurs at different times in different parts of the world. For example, when it is midday in Paris in France, it will be 11 a.m. in the UK because Paris is one hour ahead of us. When it is midday in the UK, it will be 11 a.m. in Dakar in Senegal, West Africa. This is because Dakar is one hour behind us. Show the maps above to illustrate. This time difference means that different countries will be observing the one-minute silence at different moments across time zones. The idea is to create a ‘peace wave’ that moves around the globe.

Each International Day of Peace has a special theme. In 2018, the theme celebrates the seventieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. When the declaration (agreement) was written 70 years ago, it stated that everybody in the world should have equal rights to life, freedom and security. It didn’t actually say that everyone had the right to peace. This year, it is hoped that the International Day of Peace will again send out a clear message about the importance of peace.

Time for reflection
The International Day of Peace encourages people all over the world to think about the importance of peace. In many parts of the world, people are living in situations where war and unrest make peace seem unlikely or even impossible.

It may seem that we can do little to help change the world. However, each of us can do things that encourage peace in our own small parts of the world. All of us can help to create peace in school or in our homes. Each of us can try to live peacefully with one another. Each of us can listen to other people’s opinions and learn about our differences.

Think about what peace means in the context of the school.

– Is our school a peaceful place?
– Are there things that we can do to make school more peaceful?
– How could we make our classrooms more peaceful? What about our playgrounds? What about dinner times?

We may feel like we can’t make a massive difference to the whole world, but each of us can do little things that together make a big difference.

Dear God,
We pray for people in parts of the world where there is no peace,
Where there are wars and unrest.
We pray for peace.
We pray for the people we come into contact with each day.
Please help us to live in peace with them.
Help us to recognize that we are all different and that everyone’s opinions matter.

Science – Plants

Posted on Thursday 28 April 2022 by Mrs Palmer

This half term we are learning about plants. We will be focussing on:

  • naming a variety of common, garden and wild plants.
  • identifying and naming various deciduous and evergreen trees.
  • identifying and describing the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees.

Here is a list of some of the vocabulary that will be taught in the coming weeks.

Today, we discussed the difference between a garden and wild plant and identified some plants. We also went on a plant hunt around school and used the iPads to take pictures of the plants we found. We then classified them into garden and/or wild plants.

Challenge: Can your child identify any of these garden and wild plants? Can they classify them into garden and/or wild plants?

Living and Learning – I can take part in democratic decisions

Posted on Thursday 28 April 2022 by Mrs Palmer

This week, we have been discussing in class what it means to be part of a democratic decision.

The children were given a choice of two songs to sing in collective worship. We had a vote and the song with the most votes was the song we sung. We discussed how sometimes things might not go your way but we have to be respectful to the decision.

Isla “That’s ok because next time we might get to sing the song I chose.”

Today, we had another democratic decision to make. On Friday 27th May we will be celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee-that’s 70 years as Queen! Each class will learn and perform a dance from each of her reigning decades, which we will share at the party.

The children were given a choice of two songs from the 90s (are chosen decade) and we had a vote. The song we will be performing is 5,6,7,8 by Steps.


This week’s bible story

Posted on Monday 25 April 2022 by Mr Roundtree

Jesus calms a storm: Mark 4:35-41

Have a think about what peace means to you. Is it a time without conflict or is it calmness?  Today, we’re going to hear a story about Jesus and his disciples who were stuck on the Sea of Galilee in the middle of a storm.


Time for reflection:

Think about the times when it seems like you’re in the middle of a storm; perhaps when there are arguments or when things seem confusing and difficult or when things are frightening. Think of Jesus being there, saying, Peace, be still. Take a moment now to hear those words, and enjoy the peace they bring.



Dear God,

Help us to remember, even when we’re in the middle of a storm and life seems hard, you are always there to help us feel peace.


This week’s bible story

Posted on Tuesday 19 April 2022 by Mr Roundtree

11 I have told you these things so that you can have the true happiness that I have. I want you to be completely happy. 12 This is what I command you: Love each other as I have loved you. John 15: 11-12


Have a think about an occasion when you have argued with someone and found it difficult to resolve.

Do you know of any conflicts or wars taking place anywhere in the world? Unfortunately, conflicts are continuously occurring as humans try to share the world.

Whether an argument occurs between two people or between nations, the situation is still a conflict. Having conflicts is part of being human. If we did not have differences of opinion, we would never see anything in a new light or change a view that we have wrongly held. However, what is extremely important is the way in which a conflict is handled. If conflicts between large groups of people get out of hand, they can become bigger and bigger until they become wars. The way in which we manage conflict can enable people who have different opinions to work peacefully together for the better.

When we think of peace we often think of:
– freedom from war
– freedom from disputes
– freedom from worry and anxiety
– peace of mind
– quietness, silence, stillness

In the Bible, in Matthew 5.6-8, it says that people who work for peace are happy. In John 15.11-12, Jesus says that we will be happy if we care for others.
Most world religions value the importance of peace.



How could you contribute to peace around the world? Maybe you could try harder to listen when someone has a different opinion to your own. Maybe you could walk away if you feel angry with someone. There are many little things that we can do to contribute to the peace of the world.


Dear God,
Thank you for giving us the ability to make others feel better.
Help us to share our lives together in peace.
Help us to love and care for those who need us.
Help us to care for our families and friends.
Please help us to play our parts in encouraging peace in the world.

Living and Learning: I know some basic first aid

Posted on Friday 01 April 2022 by Mrs Palmer

Last week, we discussed what to do in an emergency. The children came up with different ideas about who they would get to help them in an emergency situation.

We discussed how we can call 999 to get the help we need.

This week, we explored first aid and attitudes towards first aid and helping others.

First, we discussed what is mean by first aid. We decided it was the first help given to someone who is ill or injured and is in need of help/aid. Next, we read some statements out loud and the children had to decide if they agreed or disagreed and we shared our opinions.

For example

“a. I would know how to help someone in a first aid situation.

b. It’s important to know first aid.

c. People should always get the help they need in a first aid situation. “



Happy Easter

Posted on Friday 01 April 2022 by Mrs Palmer

Our week began with a visit from some beautiful farm animals and the children really enjoyed the opportunity to see them up close. The children particularly enjoyed stroking the animals.

Our oracy target this half term has been clarity of pronunciation. The children have been practising reading their poem using a clear voice and voice projection. On Thursday, at the Easter Service all the children did a fantastic job reading their parts of the Easter poem.

Today, during PE we did some Easter yoga. Afterwards, we made an Easter basket and a chocolate crispy cake.

We hope you all have a wonderful holiday. Take care and we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday, 19th April.