Year 5 & 6 Homework

30 March 2020: Home learning

Posted on Monday 30 March 2020 by Miss Beatson

Hello- I hope you’ve all had a good weekend and you’re all ready for week 2 of home learning! I’ve started to learn a bit of Spanish using the Duolingo app, just for ten minutes a day- you should give it a go!

Year 5 and 6 maths task

Your learning today is factors.

  • factor is a number that divides into another number exactly and without leaving a remainder.

  • Most numbers have an even number of factors; however, a square number has an odd number of factors.

  • prime number has only two factors – the number itself and 1.List the factors for the following numbers:18, 14, 16, 30, 25, 42, 48, 60

Are these statements true or false?

6 is a factor of 24                                   12 and 7 are factors of 72

3 is a factor of 27                                   1, 3 and 8 are factors of 48

8 is a factor of 54                                  2, 6 and 8 are factors of 42

Challenge:   ‘sweets in a box’ problem

Reading task: inference

Look at this picture and answer the inference questions.

History/writing task

Watch the videos and create a fact sheet about the Vikings and how they lived.  It would be great if you could take a photo and email it to me on



27 March 2020: Home learning

Posted on Friday 27 March 2020 by Mr Catherall

Hello again everyone

It has been great receiving pictures and updates from people about their learning. Please get in touch if you have any questions about anything – it’d be nice to do some teaching!

As today is Friday, the end of the school week, we’d like it if you contacted your class teacher today, ideally by 3.30pm. We don’t really mind what you say. It could be as simple as ‘hello’ or you could let us know how your week has been. We just want to hear from everyone and welcome any feedback about the home learning tasks. Remember, my email address is…

At the end of this post in another super important bonus task. Check it out and have a go.

Here’s today’s learning…

Year 5 Maths Task

Answers from yesterday:

Missing number calculation

44937 + 23592 = 78529

 4,648 – 2,347 = 2,301

45,536 – 8,426 = 37,110

29,456 – 8,896 = 20,560

37,506 – 22,819 = 14687

 83065 – 45927= 37,1338

Starter: think of 6 numbers. Each number needs to have either 5 or 6 digits. Divide each number by 10, 100 and 1000. Then put them in descending order.

Your learning today is subtraction using column subtraction.

  1. I’m thinking of a number.

After I add 5,241 and subtract 352, my number is 9,485.

What was my original number?

  1. When calculating 17,468 – 8,947, which answer gives the corresponding addition question?

8,947 + 8,631 = 17,468

8,947 + 8, 521 = 17,468

8,251 + 8,947 = 17,468

Explain how you know.

  1. Create some of your own addition calculations with corresponding subtraction sums.

Challenge: complete this pyramid using your addition and subtraction skills. Then, for an extra challenge, create your own pyramid with some missing numbers – perhaps someone in your house could try to complete it.

Year 6 maths task

Answers from yesterday:

  1. A) -85, -53, -35, 16, 32
  2. B) -297, -100, -5, 321, 685
  3. C) -52, -9, 67, 116, 701.

There will be 41 floors, as you need a ground floor (0).

Starter: improve your multiplication skills on Times Tables Rockstars for at least 15 minutes.

Your learning today is adding and subtracting whole numbers.


  1. A) 34621 + 25734 B) 4761325 – 938052
  2. C) A four bedroom house costs £450,000. A three bedroom house costs £201,000 less.

How much does the three bedroom house cost? What method did you use?

  1. D) Find the missing digits. 52247? + 3?5904 = 90?3?2

Challenge: explain how to find the missing digits for a subtraction and addition problem of your own.

Writing task (Y5,6)

Your learning today is to write and punctuate speech correctly. Your task is to write a dilemma for your character. This should be no longer than half a page. Following from your setting description yesterday, your character needs to run into some sort of problem. This problem must include dialogue between two characters.

Remember to:

  • Punctuate speech correctly, using inverted commas and capital letters appropriately.
  • Use the said clause in different places for speech.
  • When there is a new speaker, start a new line.

Here is an example of a dilemma with dialogue.

The ship entered a dark and gloomy cave – the sea was calm and quiet. Suddenly, a huge figure rose out from beneath the black water. “Prepare yourselves!” shouted Bjorn as he unsheathed his sword.

“I am Odin,” bellowed the shadowy figure, “God of wisdom, god of magic, god of death.”

“Remove us from this cave and let us pass,” said Ragnar. He knew that Odin was a powerful god, and would not take kindly to threats, so he threw his sword onto the deck.

Odin grinned, “To leave this cave, the price of death must be paid. Sacrifice one of your men to me, and I will guide you to the fame and fortune you desperately crave.”

“Do it,” hissed Floki, “Give him your son, Bjorn. You have many sons and you will have many more!”

“You think the death of my son is worth the gold and glory?” questioned Ragnar as he held his arm out to Floki.

“Yes,” spat Floki, clutching Ragnar’s arm. “Give him to Odin.”

Ragnar turned to look at Bjorn, then back at Floki. His eyes were full of rage. He grabbed Floki by his chest, and threw him overboard. “There is your sacrifice,” he growled.

 Challenge: can you change some of the said clauses for better synonyms?

Tip: Instead of saying ‘said Ragnar’, you may choose to use ‘bellowed Ragnar’. This tells the reader that the character said it loudly.

Reading task (Y5,6)

Your learning today is retrieval.

Read the extracts from the text.

Then, answer these questions…

  • When Gunnar opened the chest, list two things that he saw.
  • Where was Gunnar’s father a soldier?
  • According to the text, why was the scabbard lined with sheep’s fleece?
  • Here is an extract from the text. What is the missing word?

‘The blade had a _________ groove running from hilt to tip’

  • Write down three things you are told about the sword.

Challenge: create your own retrieval questions for someone in your house to solve.

Bonus task: At some point today, take 5 minutes out and write down a little ‘three things’ list. 

Three things I’m grateful for:

Three things I love doing:

Three things I like about myself:

Three things I’m proud of:

Three things I’e enjoyed this week:

You could even add some of your own sentences. Do it – you’ll feel good! I’ve just done mine and it really did make me feel emotionally happier and healthier.

Enjoy your tasks – I’m going to go and do my daily exercise!

26 March 2020: Home learning

Posted on Thursday 26 March 2020 by Mr Catherall

Hello again everyone

We all hope you’re getting on well and every one of us would like to give you all a virtual high five!

Did you manage to complete the bonus task? Again, we’d love to hear from you if you did. If you did, how did it make you feel? I’ve been keeping in contact with all my friends and family as often as possible and each time I do it I feel happier and healthier. If you didn’t get chance, do it today!

Enjoy your tasks…

Year 5 Maths Task

Starter: Times Tables Rockstars- improve your multiplication skills.

Your learning today is subtraction using column subtraction.

Using the column method for subtraction, solve the following calculations. Check out the subtraction video on our website for a reminder if you need it.

4,648 –  2,347 =

45,536 – 8,426 =

29,456 – 8,896 =

37,506 – 22,819 =

There are 83, 065 fans at a football match.

45,927 fans are male. How many fans are female?

Create a word problem for a subtraction calculation.

Challenge: Eva makes a 5-digit number.

Jo makes a 4-digit number.

The difference between their numbers is 3,465.

What could their number be?

Year 6 maths task 

Answers from yesterday:

What is 6 less than 4? -2

What is 5 more than -2? 3

What is the difference between 3 and -5? 8

Starter: With an adult, count forwards and backwards in from these numbers in 5s, 10s, 50 and 25s. The starting numbers are 750, 2025, 1150, 9925.

Your learning today is negative numbers.

Place these numbers on a blank number line. You should also include the number zero.

  1. A) -53, -85, 16, 32, -35
  2. B) 685, 321, -5, -297, -100
  3. C) 67, -52, -9, 116, 701

Challenge: A company decide to build an office block. Jim says, “If we build from -20 to 20, we will have 40 floors.”

Do you agree? Explain why.

Writing task (Y5,6)

Your learning today is to write descriptively. Following yesterday’s character description, your task today is to write a setting description. This should be no longer than one paragraph.

For your setting description, you need to think about:

  • Where is your character? What can they see?
  • Are they going somewhere?
  • Describe the setting using effective vocabulary e.g. fierce thunder, roaring wind, golden sand.

Here is an example of a setting description.

The seas were rough for the first few days. Gigantic waves swept over the ships walls, but the Vikings continued to row. Lightning bolts pierced holes on deck, but the Vikings continued to row. Days and nights of torturous storms passed, but the Vikings continued to row. With a compass in one hand, and wheel in the other, Ragnar stood fiercely and laughed in the face of the unforgiving conditions. He saw it as a sign from the Gods, that his journey would bring him fame and fortune. His confident mindset, however, didn’t last long.

Challenge: Can you add some expanded noun phrases to describe the setting?

Tip: An expanded noun phrase is used to describe something. If you wish to describe the sea, you may say ‘the blue sea’. If you are describing a cave, you may say ‘the gloomy cave’.

Reading task

Answers from yesterday…

Retrieval question: A shield

Inference question:

  1. Father says he chose his shield brothers carefully.
  2. Father says he would never have fought alongside any man who lied as you have.

Choice question: and felt a wave of hatred for Skuli sweep through him

Your learning today is inference.

Below are three key moments from the story so far. For each moment, you should write a paragraph to explain how Gunnar feels. Make sure you back up (justify) why you think what you think.

Moment 1 = Gunnar’s Dad dies.

Moment 2 = Gunnar sets off on his journey to Valhalla.

Moment 3 = Gunnar is taken as a slave.

Challenge: Predict what you think happen at the end of the book. Explain your prediction. Then, write a possible ending.

Try your best and don’t hesitate to email us if you’re not sure!

25 March 2020: Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 25 March 2020 by Mr Catherall

Year 5 Maths Task

Starter: write down 6 6-digit numbers. Round each number to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.

For example:

357214            Rounded to the nearest 10= 357210

Rounded to the nearest 100= 357200

Rounded to the nearest 1000= 357000

Your learning today is addition using column addition.

Yesterday, you completed some column addition calculations. Can you create 4 word problems that would involve using this method? Can you solve your own word problems?

Challenge: write any addition of three 4-digit numbers where the answer is between 28,550 and 28,650.

Can you find solutions:

  • that use all digits 0 to 9 at least once;
  • where no digit 0 to 9 is used more than twice;
  • that use the same number three times…?

Year 6 maths task

Answers from yesterday:

Month Cans sold Rounded to the nearest 10,000
January 1,436,259 1,440,000
February 1,839,627 1,840,000
March 2,599,170 2,600,000
April 1,876,254 1,880,000
May 1,431,109 1,430,000
June 1,232,637 1,230,000
July 1,209,276 1,210,000

March is the month in which the number of cans sold is the same whether it is rounded to the nearest 10,000 or 100,000.

Starter: spend at least 15 minutes honing your rock skills on Times Tables Rockstars.

 Your learning today is negative numbers.

Draw a number line from  -20 to 20.

Using the number line answer these questions.

What is 6 less than 4?

What is 5 more than -2?

What is the difference between 3 and -5?

Challenge: write your own set of similar questions with answers.

Writing task (Y5 & 6)

Here are the answers to yesterday’s learning.

Task one: Punctuate the following sentences correctly.

“I can’t wait for Friday,” exclaimed Brian. “The trampoline park will be amazing!”

Pupils could have also used an exclamation mark. Pupils could have used a full stop.

“Grace held her hands over her eyes, “I can’t watch! It’s so intense!”

Pupils could have also used a full stop, a comma or a dash.

Task two: Re-write the following sentence with the said clause in a different place. Check for correct punctuation.

“The water is way too cold! I can’t swim in that!” said Lucy.

Lucy shouted, “The water is way too cold! I can’t swim in that!”

“The water is way too cold!” exclaimed Lucy. “I can’t swim in that!”

Challenge: The three sentences should be punctuated correctly. Check specifically for inverted commas around what is being said. The said clause should have been placed at the beginning, middle and end (one for each sentence).

Your learning today is to write descriptively.

Your task is to write a character description of your choice. This should be about one paragraph in length. By the end of the week, you will have created a story involving a character, a setting and a dilemma.

For your character description, you need to think about:

  • Character appearance
  • What do they sound like?
  • What features do they have that stand out?

Here is an example of a character description…

Ragnar ‘shaggy breeches’ Lothbrok. A leader of men, a Viking legend in his own right, and a father to many sons. Ragnar was a distinctive man, who could not be mistaken for any other. His eyes were blue seas, clouded by a thunderous frown. An uncut, ragged ponytail hung from his head, with markings of snakes and war printed across his skull. Echoes of his fearsome roar could be heard across oceans, leaving enemies fleeing for their lives. A silver shafted sword hung from a sheath buckled on his right side. 

Challenge: Draw your character and label them with the key features you’ve described above. How about you and someone else in your family both do this without showing each other? Then, compare them – if they’re similar in some ways then you’ve likely written an effective character description. If they’re not, maybe one of you hasn’t practised their art skills that much, yet.

Reading task

Your learning today is a RIC.

Read the extract of the text and then answer the below questions. We will give you the correct answers tomorrow.

Retrieval question: according to the text, what was Skuli not holding?

Interpret question: look at extract 2. How do you know Gunnar’s father’s and Skuli’s relationship is not a positive one.

Explain two ways, giving evidence from the text to support your answer.  

Choice question: look at extract 1.

Find and copy one group of words that shows us that Gunnar does not like Skuli.

Challenge: create your own RIC for someone at home to complete – you could have as many questions as you like.

Bonus task: today, I’d like you to do something really important. Reach out to a friend from school. Use whatever technology you can to speak to someone from school; even better if this is someone you haven’t spoken to yet. We’re all going to feel a little lonely over the coming weeks and staying in touch will make you feel better – promise! Give it a go.

Don’t forget, there’s plenty of other things you can be doing at home, too. This web post from Mr Roundtree (School’s closed: how to support your child’s home learning – 23 March 2020) has loads of great information and ideas for things to do at home.

24 March 2020: Home learning

Posted on Tuesday 24 March 2020 by Mr Catherall

Year 5 Maths Task

Answers from yesterday (23.03.20):


6,528= 6,000 + 500 + 20 + 8

8,741= 8,000 + 700 + 40 + 1

26,589= 20,000 + 6,000 + 500 + 80 + 9

78,645= 70,000 + 8,000 + 600 + 40 + 5

Starter: Think of 6 numbers. Each number needs to have either 5 or 6 digits. Multiply each number by 10, 100 and 1000. Then put them in ascending order.

Your learning today is addition using column addition.

 Use column addition to work these out.

Check out this useful video from our own school website for some help with this method of addition – 2 minutes and 20 seconds into the video.

Challenge: Your challenge is to create a pair of five-digit numbers with a total as close to 80,000 as you can! Can you get an answer within 100 of 80,000?

Year 6 maths task

Answer to yesterday’s challenge:

Whitney has rounded to the nearest hundred thousand not ten thousand. Her answer should be 2,160,000.

Starter: Write each set of numbers and circle the greatest.

  1. A) 6782600 6872000 6869000              857876
  2. B) 2798003 2987003 2897003              2889005

Your learning today is rounding.

This table shows the number of cans of baked beans a company sold from January to July.

Month Cans sold
January 1,436,259
February 1,839,627
March 2,599,170
April 1,876,254
May 1,431,109
June 1,232,637
July 1,209,276

In a certain month, the number of cans sold is the same whether you round it to the nearest 10,000 or 100,000. Which month?

Round each month to the nearest 10,000.

Challenge: how else could you round the baked beans? Show different ways.

Writing task (Y5 & 6)

Your learning today is to punctuate speech correctly.

You have three tasks to complete, which require you to create, punctuate and adapt speech appropriately. The answers to the learning will be posted tomorrow.

Task one: Add the correct punctuation to the speech below. You are looking for inverted commas, but remember to check/correct other punctuation too!

I can’t wait for friday, exclaimed brian. the trampoline park will be amazing

Grace held her hands over her eyes, I can’t watch it’s so intense

Task two: Re-write the following sentence with the said clause in a different place. Change the said clause for a better synonym.

“The water is way too cold! I can’t swim in that!” said Lucy.

Challenge: Write three sentences of your own, using speech that is punctuated correctly. For each sentence, the said clause must be in a different place.

Reading task (Y5 & 6)

Your learning today is inference.

We use our inference skills to think about a characters’ feelings, thoughts, motives, actions or relationships with others.

Your task today is to draw an outline of Gunnar in the middle of your page. This does not need to be detailed – a gingerbread person style outline would be fine, as would a stick person. Around the outside, you should write down what you think about Gunnar and why you think this. Think specifically about his…

  • personality
  • feelings
  • thoughts
  • motives
  • actions
  • relationships with other characters

Challenge: Imagine you are Gunnar. Write a letter to your dad (who is in Valhalla) explaining how you feel about what’s happened in the book so far. You could include some key events (think back to yesterday’s learning) and you must include how you feel.

23 March 2020: Home learning timetable

Posted on Monday 23 March 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hi children, parents and carers,

We hope your first day of home learning is going well. Having structure and routine in your day can help a lot. You may have already planned your day to match our school day, but if you need a help, we have attached a timetable of a typical school day that you might want to mirror. 

09:00-10:00 First lesson
10:00 -10:10 Wake Up, Shake Up (or dance around the garden with music!)
10:10 – 10:50 Second lesson
10:50 – 11:05 Break (another chance to have a run round and let off steam!)
11:05 – 12:00 Third lesson
12:00 – 13:00 Lunchtime (you could make your own – we call this Food Technology!)
13:00 – 14:00 Fourth lesson (household chores, perhaps?)
14:00 – 14:45 Fifth lesson (gardening?)
14:45 – 15:15 Collective Worship / Reading class novel

Don’t forget how important exercise is. You could start your day with Joe, the body coach, on YouTube (9am Mon-Fri) or later in the day.

You can also access the i-moves website for 5-10 minute brain breaks throughout the day. Why not keep a timetable to ensure you are active throughout the day.

23 March 2020: Home learning

Posted on Monday 23 March 2020 by Mr Catherall

Year 5 Maths Task

Starter: Times Tables Rockstars- improve your multiplication skills.

Your learning today is place value.

  1. Create 3 part whole models for 4,050.


2. Partition the following numbers.

For example: 5, 945 = 5,000 + 900 + 40 + 5





  1. Here are the numbers of tickets sold at a theme park per month.
January 33,569
February 76,598
March 21,324
April 111,236
May 109,487

Use the more and less than symbols < > to create 4 statements for the populations.

111,236 > 76,598

Challenge: Can you create your own table of information, like above, containing numbers that you can compare? Write some statements for your information using < > and =.

Year 6 maths task

Starter: Use two dice, a number spinner or a pack of playing cards (picture cards are zero) to generate two 7-digit numbers e.g.

6,527,901 and 6,420,100

Compare using the ‘greater than’ symbol (>) or “less than” symbol (<).

6,527,901 > 6,420,100

Choose 10 more numbers to compare.

Your learning today is rounding. Using the numbers that you have already created, round each to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 and 100,000.



10 – 6,527,900

100 – 6,527,900

1,000 – 6,528,000

10,000 – 6,530,000

100,000 – 6,500,000

Challenge: Whitney rounded 2,156,708 to the nearest 10,000. Her answer was 2,200,000. Explain her mistake.

Writing task (Year 5 & 6)

Your learning today is writing speech.

Your task is to create a script between two characters of your choice. This script can be linked to something we have previously learnt (such as the Vikings), or something else of your choice. Remember to use character speech to convey character. You may also choose to add some stage direction to add extra information. You do not need to punctuate any speech when writing a script.

Tip: Convey character means to tell the reader about a character through what they said and how they said it.

“I bet you can’t catch me!” laughed Billy.

This tells the reader that Billy is a confident boy, who believes he is very fast.

Reading Task (Year 5 & 6)

As a class, we’ve been enjoying reading our class novel ‘Viking Boy’. Today, we’d like you to create a story map for what has happened so far in the book. This can be as creative as you like but must include the key moments and characters from the story so far. Here is an example of a story map for a story that most of us will be familiar with…


Challenge 1:

Summarise the story so far in 10 words, 5 words and 1 word.

Challenge 2:

Re-write the story so far in a shorter form (this could be one paragraph or more).

In  addition, we always recommend that children read for 20 minutes every day – what a perfect time to make sure children are reading loads!

Home Learning- emails

Posted on Monday 23 March 2020 by Miss Beatson

Email teachers if you’re unsure about some aspect of the home learning. The email addresses follow the same pattern in Key Stage 1 and 2:

In my case, this means the email to use is:

I’ll aim to reply on the same day and no later than the following morning. To keep this manageable, please restrict emails to one per day, per child.

Thank you

PE with Joe Wicks

Posted on Sunday 22 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

Some classes have used Joe Wicks workouts in their PE lessons recently and he has sent a message for you all.

Starting Monday 23rd March I’m going to be hosting a free workout aimed at kids LIVE on my YouTube channel.

With the schools closed and with us all spending more time at home, it’s more important than ever that we keep moving and stay healthy and positive.

Exercise is an amazing tool to help us feel happier, more energised, and more optimistic.

The workouts will be fun and suitable for all ages and even adults can get involved.

You don’t need any equipment, just tune in to my YouTube channel at 9am each morning for a 30-minute, fun workout.

One more thing! I really need your help to spread this message. So please please share this with everyone that might like to get involved, and together we can help keep the nation moving 🙏🏻

20 March 2020

Posted on Friday 20 March 2020 by Mr Catherall

This week, the whole school has the same Talk Time homework: I can pay and receive compliments to/from people outside of school.

This homework, which links to our recent living and learning statement, is an opportunity for children to discuss the benefits of paying compliments to people. Here are some questions that might shape your discussion:

  • How does paying a compliment make you feel?
  • How does receiving a compliment make you feel?
  • Why is it important to be sensible when paying or receiving compliments?
  • Can you compliment people too much?
  • Is it ok to compliment a stranger? Is this safe?

Children should be ready to discuss what they’ve talked about at home by Thursday 26 March 2020. It would be even better if children were able to talk confidently about times when they have given, or received, a compliment.