
Latest news from around the school

Change4Life healthier snacking

Posted on 16 February 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Have you see the recent Change4Life campaign encouraging children to have no more than two packaged snacks per day to reduce their sugar intake?  Remember fruit and veg are always the best snack and count towards your child’s 5 A Day.

The campaign is launched as Public Health England reveals half the sugar children consume comes from unhealthy snacks and sugary drinks. Children in England are eating nearly three times the recommended amount of sugar.  Too much sugar can lead to harmful fat building up inside and serious health problems, and also painful tooth decay.

Living and Learning this half term

Posted on 16 February 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Living and Learning sessions are held weekly in class to promote social and emotional aspects of learning and other areas of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE). This half term our main theme, from our long-term plan, is Being me and is all around building self-image and self-esteem  
We begin the half term with a focus on manners and in particular covering our mouth when we cough, sneeze or yawn. To promote good hygiene we refer to the vampire technique. By coughing or sneezing into our elbow, germs are not spread into the air or on our hands which may contaminate other things. Don’t forget to ‘use your sleeve to cough and sneeze’.
Here are the weekly Living and Learning statements, to support this learning.
  • I cover my mouth (when I yawn, cough, sneeze).  Get your child to demonstrate the ‘vampire’ method to family members at home.
  • I can say something good about myself.  It’s important that your child can confidently talk about themselves in a positive way.
  • I pay compliments in a sensible way.  Try paying compliments each day to each other!
  • I receive compliments in a sensible way.  Some children struggle to hear positive words about themselves, but this is important for self-esteem. Try paying (and listening) to praise and compliments.
  • I know the difference between being proud and showing off.  We encourage compliments to be paid – but encourage your children to know the balance between being having self-esteem and showing off.
  • I recognise my talents.  Talk to your child about talents, whether academic, physical, social or emotional.

Splats Workshop

Posted on 08 February 2018 by Miss Beatson

Yesterday, Years 1-6 had a great day learning about e-safety in a fun and creative way. The children took part in a Splats workshop to practise a scene from a play called ‘Aliens -v- Robots’ and then all the children joined together at the end of the day to perform it.

  • ‘Don’t be mean back to someone who has been mean to you online. Tell an adult.’
  • ‘Don’t chat to people online if you don’t know who they are.’

Fab feedback

Posted on 06 February 2018 by Mr Roundtree

At St James’ CE Primary, we’re always wanting to keep getting better and better. Because of this, we value the support and advice from the Local Authority. Recently, our School Improvement Advisor visited; he spent a long time examining the learning journeys of children in Year 4 and, as well as providing us with useful recommendations, made lots of positive comments. These include:

In Maths books…

pupil response to feedback… is consistent and impacts on deepening of understanding

incisive and immediate feedback impacts on learning

clear learning journeys that provide appropriate incremental challenge and extended challenge for the more able


In Writing books…

clear evidence of learning sequences whereby elements of composition and grammar or punctuation are taught, rehearsed and applied via frequent (at least weekly) extended writing opportunity

good evidence of how reading is used to support the sentence level and grammar work seen in the children’s writing books

there is evidence that the majority are developing a neat, legible, joined handwriting style


In Reading books…

children have access to a wide range of texts including poetry, fiction, non-fiction and reference

teaching sequences are invariably linked to work seen in writing books

In Topic books…

the application of maths in topic work is some of the strongest the advisor has seen. These activities, which include Venn diagrams, classification tables, Carroll diagrams to categorise, and graph work are all relevant to the topic in hand and effective in helping children understanding the wider use of mathematics

good evidence to demonstrate the children enjoy a skills-based curriculum; for example, using map reading skills, globe use and practical science learning

Our School Improvement Advisor also did a ‘learning walk’ around school, spending some time in each class observing the teaching and learning that’s going on. He concluded:

Without exception across the school, teachers were observed demonstrated good subject knowledge and used this well to structure learning appropriately.  Subsequently, the learning behaviours of the vast majority of children are such that they listened attentively, settled quickly to task and and applied themselves well. For example, in Y5/6 classroom the children were focused on an extended writing task that had been developed from exploring Romeo and Juliet… The teacher’s working knowledge of the children…meant all children, regardless of ability, could access the challenge. Meanwhile, in Early Years, the provision appeared imaginatively organised. Challenge boards evident in each area ensured activities had purpose. In Y1/2, although the children were coming from and going to an additional church-led activity in another part of school, they showed some good resilience in their adventure story writing activity.

Great stuff!

Learning workshops

Posted on 01 February 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Thanks to the parents and carers of Year 2 and Year 6 children who came to school this week for a workshop around supporting their child’s learning at home. We’re really pleased to see people taking the time to learn how you can best support your child at home.

Here are two examples of the great feedback we got:

  • ‘We found it very informative on what [our child] should expect and how we can support her and help learning.’
  • ‘It helped us as we understand the SATs papers more thoroughly. This will enable us to support her better to achieve positive results.’

Watch a short video about the Key Stage 2 assessments (SATs) here.

Some spellings support

Posted on 15 January 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Have you checked out out Learn More pages? They contain lots of tips and ideas to support your child at home.

In particular, look at the Help Your Child page. On here, we’ve just published a new guide to support your child with their spellings – it’s full of ideas to learn spellings in an active way. Encourage your child to try out the ideas. They won’t all suit, but some may end up being their favourite – and most effective – strategy!

Playtimes and peers

Posted on 10 January 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This year at St James’ CE Primary, we’ve introduced peer mediators who help support the other children at playtimes. Here’s what some children have to say about peer mediators at our school:

‘When I was arguing with my friends, the peer mediators helped me sortit out and it came to a happy ending.’

‘When I don’t have anyone to play with, or when my friends are not playing a game properly, they come and sort it out and show us how to play it properly.’

‘Bailey and Alex helped me by telling people to stay away from me when I was upset. I said thank you to them.’

Well done and thank you to our peer mediators for carrying out this role so effectively and conscientiously.


Attendance matters

Posted on 02 January 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Our attendance figures for the Autumn term are really encouraging. The average dropped a little over the course of the term, and we’ll continue to monitor this closely. However, it’s great to compare this year’s figure with last year’s…

  • Autumn last year 96.2%
  • Autumn this year 97.1%

Attending school as much as possible is something which we know makes a difference to your child’s learning. This improvement is great – well done and thank you to pupils and parents/carers. Can we keep it up in 2018??

The year groups averages are:

  • Reception – 96.0%
  • Y1 – 95.0%
  • Y2 – 97.9%
  • Y3 – 97.5%
  • Y4 – 98.8%
  • Y5 – 97.3%
  • Y6 – 97.6%

Well done to the even numbered year groups! Years 2, 4 and 6 all have attendance that’s especially high! (How odd that the odd numbers are lower!)

PTA Events

Posted on 15 December 2017 by Miss Beatson

Thank you to everybody for supporting the PTA events this term. Over £1,000 has been raised over the three events and it will be used to improve the playground. Thank you to the PTA who have organised the events and made them happen!

If you would like to be more involved in the PTA, please come along to the meetings next half term.

St James' School Choir

Posted on 11 December 2017 by Mr Roundtree

The school choir has been busy over the past week. On Friday afternoon, the choir entertained travellers at Moto Wetherby Services. The children sung their hearts out and raised £303.23. Well done, choir!

Further to their success on Friday, choir visited Ashfields nursing home in Wetherby. Their carol singing was appreciated by all of the residents and staff. The children behaved brilliantly and were a credit to our school.