
Latest news from around the school

A visit from a real-life explorer!

Posted on 14 October 2017 by Miss Beatson

This week, we had a visit from David Higgins, a well-known photographer and explorer. He talked to us about his wonderful, exciting adventures from around the world and he had many stories to tell. David showed us a selection of the extraordinary photographs he has taken of animals from across the globe and some of them can be seen on the National Geographic website.

Homework review

Posted on 12 October 2017 by Miss Beatson

Thank you to all the parents who visited school today for our homework review. There has been some fantastic, creative homework produced by the children this week. Our ‘Watch us while work’ morning is taking place on Wednesday 08 November where you can see some more fantastic learning in our classrooms.

Some of the comments from our parents today:

What went well:

  • “I think it is a great way to see how every child has individuality and personality. It’s lovely to see all the children proud of their achievements.”
  • “I really liked the way all the children had their say and offered advice or ideas to improve.”

An ‘even better if’ comment:

  • “All the children get a comment made on their work, even if it’s a teacher’s comment.”

Nell Bank leaf trail - 07 and 08 October

Posted on 24 September 2017 by Mrs Quirk

Nell Bank would like to invite you to their Leaf Trail on Saturday 07 and Sunday 08 October.

They have teamed up with the Ilkley Arts Trail to create a unique and exciting event based in the grounds at Nell Bank.

Over 30 of the artists who are exhibiting through the week of the Art Trail have produced some wonderful pieces of leaf themed artwork especially for this event. The beautiful pieces of art will be positioned around the centre to create an exciting trail that the whole family will be able to enjoy.

As well as the trail, children will be able to take part in some of their favourite Nell Bank activities including the Adventure Playground and Water Play, as well as enjoying the opportunity to explore with their families.

Entry will be £2 per person, with under 5s going free!

There will also be a ‘pop up café’ to provide hot food and hot drinks.

Our very own sporting superstar!

Posted on 22 September 2017 by Miss Beatson

Over the weekend we had a huge sporting success from one of our newest members of staff, Mr Mills. He took part in the Age Group World Triathlon Championships, which were held in Rotterdam over the weekend – you may have seen the elite athletes on TV.
After a hard race, Mr Mills managed to finish 11th out of 100 in what he has described as ‘the toughest race yet’. We’d like to say a huge well done to him for this outstanding performance and the resilience and dedication it takes to perform at this level.
We hope that he can go on to inspire some of our children to be sporting superstars!

Practice that feels like play

Posted on 21 September 2017 by Mr Roundtree

Practice that feels like play – does this sound beneficial for your child? Have a look at IXL. It’s an online tool where you can access different activities to help your child practise basic skills.

It’s split into year groups, specifically looking at English and Maths, then each subject is broken down into sections. You can get a flavour of the activities by hovering over the title and can have a go at some of them – it looks great fun and very child friendly. The questions are all interactive and there are detailed explanations for new concepts.

There is a small monthly fee if you wish to sign up. Take a look – it might be something you want to explore.

Mindfulness Workshops

Posted on 21 September 2017 by Miss Beatson

Today, Years 1 to 6 have taken part in a mindfulness workshop. Here are some quotes from the children:

“I really liked the breathing exercises. I think it will help me when I get angry and upset.” (Kieran)

“We filled a bottle with water and glitter. When the lady shook it up it represented our minds. We did some breathing and watched the glitter settle; this helped our minds and thoughts calm down.” (Abigail)

First PTA meeting of the year!

Posted on 18 September 2017 by Miss Beatson

We’re holding our first PTA meeting for this school year on Monday 25 September at 3.30pm. Please join us to support and share ideas for some upcoming events. Look forward to seeing many of you there.

Parent reading workshops

Posted on 16 September 2017 by Miss Beatson

Would you like to find out how to further support your child with reading at home?

We have an Early Years and KS1 reading workshop on Tuesday 26 September at 6pm and a KS2 reading workshop on Wednesday 27 September at 6pm. Reading resource packs will be given to everybody who attends. Refreshments will be available.

First Steps open afternoon

Posted on 13 September 2017 by Mrs Quirk

Thursday 19 October 2.00pm – 3.00pm

Come and experience our 2 year old provision. Stay and play with your child and meet our friendly staff members.

For more information about First Steps please visit the school office.

Funded 2 year old places available.

Funded places available in 2 year old provision

Posted on 13 September 2017 by Mrs Quirk

We have funded places available in First Steps, our 2 year old provision. Call into the school office to book a visit or apply for a place.

Places are also available for non-funded 2 year olds at a competitive price.

We are holding an open afternoon on Thursday 19 October – come along and take a look!