Playtimes and peers
Posted on 10 January 2018 by Mr Roundtree
This year at St James’ CE Primary, we’ve introduced peer mediators who help support the other children at playtimes. Here’s what some children have to say about peer mediators at our school:
‘When I was arguing with my friends, the peer mediators helped me sortit out and it came to a happy ending.’
‘When I don’t have anyone to play with, or when my friends are not playing a game properly, they come and sort it out and show us how to play it properly.’
‘Bailey and Alex helped me by telling people to stay away from me when I was upset. I said thank you to them.’
Well done and thank you to our peer mediators for carrying out this role so effectively and conscientiously.
Attendance matters
Posted on 02 January 2018 by Mr Roundtree
Our attendance figures for the Autumn term are really encouraging. The average dropped a little over the course of the term, and we’ll continue to monitor this closely. However, it’s great to compare this year’s figure with last year’s…
- Autumn last year 96.2%
- Autumn this year 97.1%
Attending school as much as possible is something which we know makes a difference to your child’s learning. This improvement is great – well done and thank you to pupils and parents/carers. Can we keep it up in 2018??
The year groups averages are:
- Reception – 96.0%
- Y1 – 95.0%
- Y2 – 97.9%
- Y3 – 97.5%
- Y4 – 98.8%
- Y5 – 97.3%
- Y6 – 97.6%
Well done to the even numbered year groups! Years 2, 4 and 6 all have attendance that’s especially high! (How odd that the odd numbers are lower!)
PTA Events
Posted on 15 December 2017 by Miss Beatson
Thank you to everybody for supporting the PTA events this term. Over £1,000 has been raised over the three events and it will be used to improve the playground. Thank you to the PTA who have organised the events and made them happen!
If you would like to be more involved in the PTA, please come along to the meetings next half term.
St James' School Choir
Posted on 11 December 2017 by Mr Roundtree
The school choir has been busy over the past week. On Friday afternoon, the choir entertained travellers at Moto Wetherby Services. The children sung their hearts out and raised £303.23. Well done, choir!
Further to their success on Friday, choir visited Ashfields nursing home in Wetherby. Their carol singing was appreciated by all of the residents and staff. The children behaved brilliantly and were a credit to our school.
Singing in the community
Posted on 05 December 2017 by Miss Beatson
The choir have been very busy today, singing at The Church on the Corner this morning and Morrisons after school. They will be singing at Moto services on Friday, Ashfield Nursing Home next Tuesday and Morrisons again next Wednesday! Hopefully, they’ll still have a voice left for our Christmas production!
New Football Kit
Posted on 05 December 2017 by Miss Beatson
Thank you to Suttle Transport Services for sponsoring our new football kit. The children were very excited to try it on for the first time yesterday. We look forward to competing in our new kit next term.
School Charity
Posted on 04 December 2017 by Miss Beatson
After much discussion, the school council have decided that we will support the charity Unicef this year. The children were keen to support a charity which helps children around the world.
Christmas Fair
Posted on 01 December 2017 by Miss Beatson
Our Christmas Fair is this afternoon. Please come along and get into the festive spirit. We have lots of stalls to visit and the school choir will be singing at 3.30pm.
‘Pick a square’ could win you this delicious Christmas cake.
Subscribe to First News and raise money for school
Posted on 29 November 2017 by Mrs Quirk
Sphere Federation has teamed up with First News to offer a fantastic opportunity which will help us raise money for our school.
The children love reading First News in school and now you have the chance to get a great offer and have First News delivered to your house every Friday for your kids to enjoy at home.
To make things even better for every subscription parents take out using our unique voucher codes X17SFED we will get money back to put towards our school.
To subscribe, please click here.
Important information regarding measles
Posted on 21 November 2017 by Mrs Quirk
You may have heard in the news that there have been a number of confirmed cases of measles in Leeds. As you will be aware, measles is extremely infectious and can be a serious illness in some cases. The attached information contains advice on preventing the spread of measles, what the symptoms of measles are and how parents can protect their families by ensuring that their children have had two doses of the MMR vaccine.
If you are not sure whether your child is up to date with their vaccinations or your child is not up to date, please make an arrangement with your GP practice as soon as possible.
It is never too late to immunise: measles can have serious complications regardless of age.