Parents' evening coming up
Posted on 08 October 2018 by Mr Roundtree
The first of two parent-teacher meetings are coming up soon: 23 October and 25 October. At these meetings, you’ll notice a small change.
In the annual survey of parents and carers, a small number mentioned that they would prefer more frequent updates about their child’s progress. We’ve acted on this by changing when we provide you with the Learning Updates. These were previously given to you at parents’ evening. However, this year, we’ll send these home at the end of the Autumn and Spring terms. This means you’ll have an update at the end of Autumn 1 (the parents’ evening), Autumn 2 (the Learning Update), Spring 1 (the second parents’ evening), Spring 2 (the second Learning Update), and then the end of year report in the Summer.
As always, Miss Beatson will be around to hear your questions, compliments and concerns with these arrangements.
EPOSS Incredible Years parenting course
Posted on 03 October 2018 by Mrs Quirk
The EPOSS cluster will be running an Incredible Years Parenting Course starting Friday 09 November at Wetherby Children’s Centre. Please see the attached poster/leaflet for further information.
There is no need to book: parents/carers can just turn up on the first session or ring the number provided on the leaflet if you have any questions.
What wonderful writing!
Posted on 03 October 2018 by Mr Roundtree
All classes in school have a class novel on the go. Y5,6 are enjoying the modern classic, Kensuke’s Kingdom this half-term.
This morning, our older children in Y5,6 have been writing a diary entry from a character’s perspective.
Have a read of this great writing – well done, Mya!
…Mya’s not finished the diary yet. If your child is in Y5,6, have a chat with how the diary entry could continue!
Reading Workshop
Posted on 02 October 2018 by Miss Beatson
A quick reminder that we are having a reading workshop for KS2 parents, today at 6pm. Come along if you would like more information about how we teach reading in school and how you can support your child at home.
Fab feedback!
Posted on 29 September 2018 by Mr Roundtree
We spotted on social media this week this lovely comment from a parent about our school:
‘I can’t recommend it enough. Lovely small class sizes. A new headteacher making positive changes. All the teachers are lovely and know all the children. Both my children are so happy and making fantastic progress.’
Thank you very much. We all appreciate this heart-warming praise.
Football Tournament
Posted on 27 September 2018 by Miss Beatson
Yesterday evening, our football team competed in the local football tournament at Wetherby High School. Well done to all involved!
Coffee morning
Posted on 26 September 2018 by Miss Beatson
Come along and meet other parents and members of staff to have a chat about school life in general and any issues you are concerned about.
Our Learning Mentor, Mrs Small, will be available to talk to regarding your child’s self-esteem, happiness, well-being or any other areas of school life you would like to discuss.
A wonderful 'well done'!
Posted on 17 September 2018 by Mr Roundtree
It’s great to receive a letter from Leeds Learning Improvement Team congratulating us on how well we’re doing…
Initial analysis of attainment and progress at St James’ indicates that you have made significant improvements in your school’s reading, writing and mathematics combined results.
We are pleased that the work which your school has undertaken has had positive impact and trust that your engagement with the Leeds Learning
Improvement team has supported these improvements.Congratulations to the whole team for their dedication and hard work which is positively affecting outcomes and will improve the life chances of all these children.
Summer writing challenge
Posted on 14 September 2018 by Miss Beatson
Well done to all the children who sent in a postcard from their summer holiday. It was lovely to read about the fantastic places you visited. We had postcards from various places in the UK and a postcard as far away as Thailand! We have displayed all the postcards in the hall for everybody to read.
Well done to Lilly and Jack, who are the winners of our writing summer challenge. Their writing was clear and told us a lot about what they did on their holiday.
Posted on 10 September 2018 by Mr Roundtree
…is our Christian value this half-term.
At St James’ CE Primary School, we learn about Christian values that help us to become well-rounded citizens in society. These values have been chosen by our Church Council, a group of pupils who advise us on aspects of our provision. The values are woven into our everyday school life. Each half-term, we focus on a Christian value that is embedded into our collective worship and our reflection areas. This half-term, we consider friendship.
‘A friend loves at all times.’ – Proverbs 17:17
True friendship enables each person to grow and ensures that the unique individuality of each person is recognised. Friendship is the special relationship we have with certain people – a friend loves and cares for you at all times.
Christians believe that God’s friendship towards us will last forever. Friendship is a partnership of shared experiences, talents, interests and enthusiasms.
Why did the Church Council choose this Christian value? ‘Because Jesus is our friend and he is everyone’s friend even when we’re naughty.’ (Year 1 Church Council member)
Home challenge: We can learn a lot about friendships from the books we read. Find a book that models a good friendship. Write its title on a post-it note and stick it in the reflection area in your classroom.