
17 May 2018

Posted on Sunday 20 May 2018 by Miss Beatson

Focus: Creative

Living and Learning: To use calming down strategies.

To go with our current Christian Value of peace, we’ve been considering ways to calm down. Think back to our lesson last week about ways to calm down e.g counting, breathing.

Your task is to create a page all about ways to calm down. You may choose one strategy or lots of them. They can be strategies that we’ve discussed in class or something that you like to do yourself.

17 May 2018

Posted on Thursday 17 May 2018 by Mr Mills

Focus: Creative

Living and Learning: To use calming down strategies.

To go with our current Christian Value of peace, we’ve been considering ways to calm down. Think back to our lesson last week about ways to calm down e.g counting, breathing.

Your task is to create a page all about ways to calm down. You may choose one strategy or lots of them. They can be strategies that we’ve discussed in class or something that you like to do yourself.

11 May 2018

Posted on Friday 11 May 2018 by Miss Beatson

Year 6: Revision for the tests next week

Year 5: Creative Homework

‘I can show how to calculate fractions.’

Over the past two weeks, we’ve been re-visiting adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions. Show in a creative way, how we do this.

You could: make a poster; make a PowerPoint; write maths stories; make a rap or something else.

11 May 2018

Posted on Friday 11 May 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is creative and is due on Thursday 17th May.

This half term, our topic is “inventions that changed the world”. So far, we have looked at the telephone, invented by Alexander Graham Bell, and bridges designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

 Isambard Kingdom Brunel was a famous engineer. He built bridges, tunnels, railways, docks and ships. Many of the works Isambard created and designed pushed the boundaries of what people were used to.

Your creative homework is to design a new item for Isambard to build. You can choose to design a bridge, a tunnel, a railway, a steam engine or an invention of your choice. Remember, Isambard pushed the boundaries of what we already know – try to make yours different to the items we already use.

04 May 2018

Posted on Monday 07 May 2018 by Miss Beatson

This week’s homework is ‘Practice makes Perfect.’ 

Y5: arithmetic

Y6: arithmetic and reading comprehension


04 May 2018

Posted on Friday 04 May 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is a practice makes perfect and is due on Thursday 10 May.

Year 1:

We’ve been looking at place value this week during Maths. We’ve practised our counting skills – forwards and backwards – and looked at how many tens and ones are in two-digit numbers (e.g. 46 can be partitioned into 40 + 6 or 4 tens and 6 ones). Our homework is to practise skills relating to place value.

Year 2: 

This week, we’ve recapped and extended our learning about column addition and subtraction. We’ve learned how to carry a ten if our ones column is more than 10 and how to exchange (borrow) a ten if we need to subtract more ones that we have. Our homework is practising both of these skills along with some word problems. Don’t forget, in subtraction you don’t always need to exchange – check your numbers first! Column addition and subtraction is easier if we are confident and quick with our basic number facts – play Hit the Button, number bonds, for some quick recall practice.

04 May 2018

Posted on Friday 04 May 2018 by Mr Mills

Focus: Creative

Recently, we have been working on using apostrophes for possession – they can be complicated, especially when plurals are involved:

  • One dog’s kennel was brand new. (One single dog owns the kennel.)
  • The other dogs’ homes were older but more homely. (More than one dogs have a home.)

Your task is to create a poster that shows the main rules for using apostrophes for possession. You might want to draw lots of pictures as examples or simply make a little sentence display. The choice is yours.

A link to helpful information about apostrophes can be found here.

Year 6 Revision

Posted on Monday 30 April 2018 by Miss Beatson

Year 6, please use this PowerPoint to revise colons (:) and semi-colons (;) this week.

27 April 2018

Posted on Friday 27 April 2018 by Miss Beatson

This week our homework is practice makes perfect and involves practising long and short division. Here are some links to support you at home:

27 April 2018

Posted on Friday 27 April 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is creative and is due on Thursday 03 May.

This half term, our Christian value is peace. So far, we have looked at how we can show peace and the different symbols for peace.

Design your own symbol of peace. You will be asked to explain how to promotes peace.

Here are some examples of peace symbols that we already see today.