29 April 2020 : Home learning
Good morning everyone!
Remember to read and work on spellings/times tables today.
Play shops at home by making some of your own price tags (just using scraps of paper or cardboard from your recycling). Write a different amount on each price tag all the way up to 20p (or more if you want a challenge). You could buy and sell fruit, vegetables, clothes or toys (just pretending, of course, and remember to put everything back once you’ve used it).
How many different ways can you make the amount on the price tag? Your parents, brother, sister, pets or teddies might like to join in with playing shops too?
Challenge : Make a price list, signs and write receipts for your shop.
Reading – Statements
Statements are the most common type of sentence. They tell the reader a fact or idea about a single topic. They must always end in punctuation, usually a full stop.
Read the statements below.
I go to St James Primary School.
My favourite thing to do is learn new things.
The sun was shining all through the month of April.
Challenge : Write three (or more) statements of your own.
Topic – Geography
Follow the link to watch a selection of Go Jetters videos all about some of the UK’s most significant landmarks. What is a landmark? Can you think of any landmarks in Leeds?
After watching, can you locate all the landmarks on a map?
Challenges : 1. Choose one of the four landmarks. 2. Sketch or paint and label the landmark. 3. Write sentences describing the landmarks.
28 April 2020 : Home learning
Hola everyone! Here are your tasks for today.
Write the amounts of money that are in each jar counting in 2s, 5s or 10s. Remember to use a ‘p’ after the numerals eg 20p.
Challenge: Draw around some 2p, 5p and 10p coins in your home learning book. Count in 2s, 5s or 10s to work out the total amount that you have made.
Reading – Questions
Watch the first short video about questions on BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons. Then, if you can, there are 2 follow up activities all about The Magic Faraway Tree, which was our much-loved class novel earlier in the year.
Topic – Geography recap
Can you remember the seven continents of the world? You could watch the song to remind yourself. Write them in your home learning book from smallest to largest.
If you have a globe or atlas, you could find the continents there too.
28 April 2020: Home Learning
Good morning- I hope you’re having a good start to the week and staying happy and healthy.
How are you getting on with the home learning tasks? If you have any questions or would like to send me some of your learning then please email me: nataliebeatson@spherefederation.org
Today’s learning……
Maths: angles
Year 5: naming angles
Year 6: angles on a straight line
Today’s task is to calculate missing angles on a straight line. Remember – angles on a straight line have a total of 180 degrees.
Reading: First News
Have a read of the full newspaper. Find an article you like and create your own quiz for a friend / someone in your family to do. You could write questions down or you could do it as a video.
Geography: Where are the major cities of the UK?
This is a recap lesson. Have a go at learning all the major cities in the UK. Challenge your parents to identify as many as they can in a row. Alternatively, take it in turns until one person doesn’t know. Before challenging someone else, study the map yourself so you become an expert.
28 April 2020: Home learning
Good morning! How did you get on with the science activity? Hopefully there was enough sunshine for the activity! Here are today’s tasks.
Maths: Yesterday’s answers: Year 3 and Year 4. Today we have another video for you. Year 3 video learning and worksheet. Year 4 video learning and worksheet.
Reading: Yesterday’s answers. Today’s video learning and text. Your task is to write a short diary entry as if you are an explorer travelling the taiga belt. You must mention experiencing the difficulties listed in the text and how you’d cope with them.
Topic: Sorry! I forgot to put Friday’s topic quiz answers up for you yesterday. Here they are at last! Today’s activity is naming rivers and seas in the UK. Can you name the 10 rivers and 4 seas? Use the quiz and the topic work that you did last week to work out the rivers from the clues given.
27 April 2020: Home Learning
Good morning- I hope you all had a good weekend and enjoyed the sunshine.
On Friday, Mr Roundtree set you a writing challenge. Please can you email me your writing today, so Mr Roundtree can read them and decide if he will publish some writing on the school website. Well done Mya, who had her poem published on all three schools’ websites last week!
Answers to Friday’s maths
Today’s learning…..
Maths: arithmetic
Follow this BBC Bitesize lesson and learn how to select key pieces of information from a text and evaluate the text while giving a personal opinion.
Geography: eight points of a compass
Watch this clip about using a compass and reading a map.
Complete this activity to show all points of the compass.
Complete this challenge to give directions using the eight points of a compass.
27 April 2020: Home learning
Happy Monday, everyone.
This week, your learning is going to look a little different. Mrs Rowley and I have been beavering away, learning of new ways of getting information to you. Some of the lessons have a video of one of us. (Please bear with us as this is all new to us too.) We hope they will make learning more fun. Please let us know how you get along with this new style.
Mrs Welsby & Mrs Rowley xx
Maths: Last week’s answers. Year 3 and Year 4. This week’s work: Year 3 video and Year 3 worksheet. Year 4 video and Year 4 worksheets. Don’t forget, you can print the worksheets off or you can record your answers directly into your home learning books. After the main learning, there are challenge activities if you would like to stretch yourselves!
Reading: Moon Landings cartoon video, text and questions.
Science: Shadow investigation video and activity.
Spellings: In this week’s spellings we are revising the ai sound. Here is also a reminder page of spelling strategies that you could use.
27 April 2020 : Home learning
Week four of our home learning tasks already! We hope you are still enjoying the activities we are suggesting. Remember, there are lots of other ways to learn too. You could be cooking, exercising, garden, playing board games or talking to family or friends using digital devices.
Try to keep reading for at least twenty minutes per day – to yourself, your mum, dad, teddy or pets. It could be in two, 10 minute sessions. Keep reading anything and everything. If you have run out of your own books to read there is a fab online library of eBooks to read on https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ Just register on the website, log in and choose what you want to read.
There is new content on BBC Bitesize, with three lessons each day: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize and Oak National Academy (ONA), also with three lessons each day: https://www.thenational.academy/ There’s also White Rose: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/ if you are wanting more. We will be linking some of these lessons in activities we set too.
Each Monday, we will also upload a set of spellings for you to practise over the course of the week. Then on Friday, see if you can write them out without looking at them. Someone could test you if you want.
Y2s will also have a set of times table or division facts to learn too.
Weekly spellings :
Y1 : queen quiz chip watch ship wish that with
Y2 : plant poor pretty prove should steak sugar sure told water
Times tables : times 3 and divide 3
Watch the lesson by Miss Harker about money and how to make different amounts : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UnzA9hrGcCWDHoQ3tPO4dY8EXp6YhdC2/view?usp=sharing
How many 1ps do you need to make 10p? How many other ways can you make 10p?
Challenge : How many different ways you can make 20p, 50p or £1?
Read this postcard from Miss Harker.
Challenge : Write a letter or note or postcard to someone. If you can, email or post it to the person. Or you could display a message in your window? It could be for someone from your family, a friend or maybe the local care home for someone who isn’t getting any visitors.
Topic – Geography
Our topic this half term should have been Geography driven. So, we are going to do some activities about the UK, other places, maps and directions over the next couple of weeks. There are some videos and reading to start off about the UK on BBC Bitesize : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zdq6t39
Can you remember four UK countries and their capital cities? Write them in your home learning book.
24 April 2020 : Home learning
It’s Friday already! Have some fun with the Emoji tasks today. You could do a test on your spellings and times tables today.
Work out the answers to the Emoji codes.
Challenge : Create your own emoji code.
Read the story about the Meerkat with Big Ears. Can you spot all the ‘ear’ trigraphs (three letters that make one sound). Write a list of what you find.
Challenge : Write a list of other words that have the ‘ear’ trigraph in them. Put each word into a sentence.
Topic – Art
Draw your favourite Emoji.
Challenge : Make up your own Emoji.
24 April 2020: Home Learning
You made it to the end of the week- well done.
Yesterday, I enjoyed doing some science outside with George and Harry in the sun. We tested hand wash, shampoo and washing up liquid to see which one made the tallest ‘bubble tower’! They decided washing up liquid was the most effective.
Answers to yesterday’s maths.
Today’s learning……….
Maths: fractions
Can you found examples of ‘real-life’ fractions in your home? Here are some ideas to help you. Take some pictures and email any you find. nataliebeatson@spherefederation.org
Writing: a challenge from Mr Roundtree……..
24 April 2020: Home learning
Happy Friday!
Well done for your first week ‘back’ into this new term. Are any of you doing fancy dress Friday with Joe Wicks? I’m trying to do the workouts but haven’t managed the fancy dress bit yet! Enjoy your last learning tasks of the week.
Maths: Yesterday’s answers; Year 3 and Year 4 Wake up, shake up with Supermovers: The 8x table with Filbert Fox. Today’s activity: Year 3 – multiply by 2, 4, 8 and Year 4 – 3 digit by 1 digit multiplication
Everyone complete your weekly times tables check. https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/477/Multiplication-Tables-Check Make sure your record your score on the sheet and find out which ones you have struggled with.
Reading: Layers of the Rainforest. (Answers are on the second sheet.)
Topic: How did you get on with yesterday’s towns and cities quiz? Answers. Today we are looking at counties in the UK. We are in West Yorkshire.
Spellings: Ask an adult to choose 10 of the 11 words from this week’s spelling list and test you on them. Can you get them all correct?
exciting learning activities to do at home.