03 April 2020
You’ve made it to the end of the second week and it’s been lovely to hear from some of you throughout the week. Over the next two weeks, you will be able to choose from a selection of activities rather than completing different tasks set each day. This is because it is the Easter holidays, although it will probably feel slightly different to your normal Easter break. If you would like to send me any pictures of your learning or anything fun you’ve been getting up to, then it would be great to hear from you. Here is a reminder of my email address: nataliebeatson@spherefederation.org .
Have a look on the Newsround website to find out ‘how to BOSS being stuck at home’.
Answers to yesterday’s learning:
Maths task
Today’s learning is multiplication problems. The answers are at the bottom of the sheet so you can mark your answers.
Writing task:
Grammar revision all about pronouns. The answers are at the end of the document.
Reading task:
Today, there are no set comprehension questions; I would simply like you to enjoy reading. However, if you like, you could complete one (or more) of the following tasks…
- Read the paper with someone in your house and discuss the articles you’ve read.
- Do the same as above but with a friend from school over the phone.
- Respond creatively to one of the articles you’ve read (a bit like a creative homework).
- Interview someone in your house, or someone over the phone, and write your own news article about what you find out.
02 April 2020: Home learning
Happy Thursday!
Remember to keep sending us pictures of your learning and any other activities you’re doing at home.
Send it to both teachers so we can both have a look.
Here are the answers to yesterday’s learning for year 3 and year 4.
Year 3 – find your addition and subtracting packs. Complete the “subtracting 2 digit numbers from 3 digit numbers – no exchanging” page. Remember to be careful where you place your numbers. Keep the ones under the ones column and tens under the tens column.
Year 4 – find your addition and subtraction packs. Complete the “Using inverse operations to check addition and subtraction calculations” page. Pretend you are Mrs Rowley or Mrs Welsby and mark the maths learning. Are the answers right or wrong? Can you find where they have gone wrong if the answer is wrong?
Find out all about the ‘Wooden Allfather‘ in today’s reading activity.
After Jesus was arrested, he was taken to be tried. Peter was the leader of the disciples — the most confident, and perhaps the one you might
expect to stick with Jesus at his arrest. But after Jesus’ arrest, Peter denied Jesus three times – just like Jesus predicted.
33 Peter said, “All the other followers may lose their faith because of you. But I will never lose my faith.” 34 Jesus said, “I tell you the truth. Tonight you will say you don’t know me. You will say this three times before the rooster crows.” 35 But Peter said, “I will never say that I don’t know you! I will even die with you!” And all the other followers said the same thing. Matthew 26: 33-35.
Have a look at this video of Peter denying Jesus.
Tell an imaginary story about yourself. Use your dramatic side! Your best friend has just ignored you in the supermarket, as if they didn’t know you. Next, someone came up to them and said, ‘You are friends with him/her, aren’t you?’ and they looked at you and said, ‘I’ve no idea who they are!’ and walked off. Explain how you felt. How would the pupils feel? You could write this as a story or you could draw a comic strip and speech bubbles – the choice is yours!
2 April 2020 : Home learning
Hello everyone. Keep going with your reading, times tables and spellings each day. You can also warm up by singing the days of the week song – https://youtu.be/zJLiJIf8c_c
Maths – subtraction using part whole models
We use part whole models to help us represent number stories and calculations. From a part whole model, a ‘fact family’ can be created. These are calculations that are closely related and match the part whole model. There is a subtraction fact family example below.
Look at the other part whole models, copy them into your home learning book and write the subtraction fact families to go with them.
Challenge : Draw your own part whole model and write the subtraction fact family to go with it.
Read the words below. Copy these words into your home learning book and make them plurals by adding ‘s’ or ‘es’:
Challenge: Put those words into sentences. Remember your ‘must dos’.
Play a game on Phonics Play – https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Art : drawing
There are some great ‘How to draw…’ guides on YouTube or you could use the example below to draw a teddy.
How to draw a cat https://youtu.be/oJntsEBNalM
Pug https://youtu.be/H7Gp-GRnGdA
Easter bunny https://youtu.be/xMa5gsmZwHs
Send us pictures of your favourite drawing, if you can!
02 April 2020
Good morning everyone- I hope you’re all OK. Did anyone manage to write their own poem for the Leeds United challenge? If so, please can you try and email it to me so I can have a read.
Answers to yesterday’s maths learning:
Rosie has £300 in her bank account. Tommy has 100 times more than Rosie in his bank account.
How much more money does Tommy have than Rosie?
Tommy has £30,000. Tommy has £29,700 more than Rosie.
Maths task:
Today’s learning is multiplication.
Writing task:
Use this picture as a stimulus to write your own short story (under 200 words).
Reading task:
Read the poem by William Blake.
Complete the questions. Decide which level you want to have a go at: 1 star (easiest)to 3 star (hardest). The answers are available, so you can mark your own work afterwards.
Can you write some of your own questions for the poem?
01 April 2020
Happy Wednesday! I hope you’re all managing to stay as active as possible. Maybe you’ve been doing PE lessons with Joe Wicks or going for a walk. I’ve been enjoying Oti Mabuse’s dance classes on Youtube – it has really helped to motivate me and put me in a good mood!
Answers to yesterday’s learning tasks:
Are all multiples of 8 multiples of 4? Yes
Are all multiples of 4 multiples of 8? No
Annie is double her sister’s age.
They are both older than 20 but younger than 50.
Their ages are both multiples of 7.
What are their ages? Annie is 42 and her sister is 21
Answers to the history task:
- Bowl used for cooking or holding food.
- Bone/antler comb for personal grooming.
- Gaming piece- possible made from whalebone. It would have been used in a board game as a counter.
- Silver bracelets- the rings were mainly used as jewellery but some were used as a form of payment.
Today’s learning is multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.
Remember, if we’re multiplying by 10, 100 or 1000 the digits move to the left. If we’re dividing by 10, 100 or 1000 the digits move to the right.
Complete the fluency questions.
Rosie has £300 in her bank account. Tommy has 100 times more than Rosie in his bank account.
How much more money does Tommy have than Rosie?
Writing task:
Leeds United Primary Stars are setting youngsters a poetry challenge all about ambition. The website has all the information you need to have a go at writing your own poem. You can enter your poem and send it to plprimarystars@premierleague.com or share on Twitter @PLCommunities with the hashtag #PLPrimaryStars.
Art task:
I’ve found some tutorials on You tube that show you different mindfulness doodles/drawings you can have a go at. When I had a go, it made me feel calm and relaxed. Here is the start of my doodling….
01 April 2020: Home learning
It’s Wednesday – we’re halfway through the week!
Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths learning for year 3 and year 4.
Year 3 – find your addition and subtracting packs. Complete the “adding 3-digit and 2-digit numbers – with carrying” page. Remember to be careful where you place your numbers and the numbers you have carried over. Keep the ones under the ones column and tens under the tens column.
Year 4 – find your addition and subtraction packs. Complete the “Estimate answers speed challenge” page. Here are the allowable ranges for your answers:
Today’s reading task is all about Really Rare Runes. Remember, the answers are on the second page so don’t scroll down until you’ve answered them. There’s no need to print the sheet – just write your answers in your home learning book.
Which are better: disposable nappies or reusable nappies?
Have a look at the data from last week. Think about how many nappies a baby will use in their lifetime and they all go in the bin. Is that right?
Have a look at the statements on this sheet. The statements are for and against the use of disposable nappies. Sort them into two lists (you can either print them and cut them up or write them in two columns in your book). Then, decide if you think babies should use disposable nappies or should all babies use reusable nappies?
1 April 2020 : Home learning
Happy April Fools Day!
We are in the fourth month of 2020 already! Sing the months of the year song – https://youtu.be/JABPMyXTZcs
Maths – addition using part whole models
We use part whole models to help us represent number stories and calculations. From a part whole model, a ‘fact family’ can be created. These are calculations that are closely related and match the part whole model. There is an example below.
Look at the other part whole models, copy them into your home learning book and write the addition fact families to go with them.
Challenge : Draw your own part whole model and write the addition fact family to go with it.
Reading – phonics
Copy the questions below into your home learning book. Add sound buttons to the words that you need to sound out (your child should know what these are and there is an example below). Write yes or no to answer them.
Can a boat sail?
Would you scream if you saw a snake?
Has a frog got sharp claws?
Challenge : Think of some more yes/no questions of your own.
Topic – jokes!
It’s April Fools Day. Tell some jokes to your family. Here are some ideas or you could find/tell some of your own.
31 March 2020: Home learning
Good morning!
Thank you to those of you who emailed me your posters – it was great to hear from you and see what you’ve been up to.
Answers to yesterday’s learning:
Factors of 18: 1,18,2,9,3,6
Factors of 14: 1,14,2,7
Factors of 16: 1,16,2,8,4
Factors of 30: 1,30,2,15,3,10,5,6
Factors of 25: 1,25,5
Factors of 42: 1,42,2,21,3,14,6,7
Factors of 48: 1,48,2,3,4,6,8,12,16,24,48
Factors of 60: 1,60,2,30,3,4,5,6,10,12,15,20
6 is a factor of 24= true
12 and 7 are factors of 72= false
3 is a factor of 27= true
1,3 and 8 are factors of 48= true
8 is a factor of 54= false
2,6 and 8 are factors of 42= false
Today’s learning is multiples.
A multiple is the product result of one number multiplied by another number.
Multiples of 3: 3,6,9,12, 15, 18 etc.
Warm up: Ninja multiples
Are all multiples of 8 multiples of 4?
Are all multiples of 4 multiples of 8?
Common multiples:
A common multiple is a number that is a multiple of two or more numbers. The common multiples of 3 and 4 are 12, 24, 36
- Write the common multiples of 4 and 6
- Write the common multiples of 2 and 3
Annie is double her sister’s age.
They are both older than 20 but younger than 50.
Their ages are both multiples of 7.
What are their ages?
Reading task
Read the article from this week’s First News and answer the RIC questions.
History task:
Look at the images of the Viking artefacts. Answer the questions for each artefact.
31 March 2020: Home learning
Happy Tuesday!
Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths learning: Year 3, Year 4.
Today’s learning:
Year 3 – find your addition and subtracting packs. Complete the “adding 3-digit and 2-digit numbers – no carrying” page. Remember to be careful where you place you numbers. Keep the ones under the ones column and tens under the tens column.
Year 4 – find your addition and subtraction packs. Complete the “Finding missing numbers in column subtraction calculations” page. You might need to exchange some tens or hundreds to find the right number to fill the missing gap.
The reading task today is an advert for an Anglo-Saxon house.
Imagine your friend has never seen the Dreamgiver before. What does the Dreamgiver look like? Can you describe him? Draw a picture of him and label.
Challenge: Find images that you would like the Dreamgiver to crack his egg onto. Then describe the dreams that happened afterwards.
Complete the first of your handwriting sheets – these are in your learning packs. (There is a spare copy here!) The words that you are practising to write neatly are part of the Y3/4 word list.
31 March 2020 : Home learning
Good morning!
Keep going with reading, spellings and times tables every day.
Warm up by singing the big numbers song – https://youtu.be/e0dJWfQHF8Y
There are some numbers missing from this part of the 100 square. Copy it and fill in the missing numbers.
Challenge :
Read a story book. Write three questions that you would like to ask one of the characters. Remember to use a capital letter, finger spaces and a question mark. For example –
How did you feel when you found Goldilocks in your house?
Topic – History
We have been learning about chronology in the last few weeks, putting toys in chronological order. Look at the toys timeline we created last week. Talk about what the timeline shows using the words below.
Challenge : Choose 3 or 4 of your own toys. Put them in chronological order of when you got them.