23 February 2018
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 01 March.
Year 1 have a High Frequency Words word search to complete. When completed, can the children write a sentence using one of the words they have found?
Year 2 have a worksheet to practice changing nouns from singular (only one) to plural (more than one). The children have 3 rules to follow in this activity in order to change the noun to plural: just add s, add es (if the noun ends in s, ss, ch, sh, z, zz) or drop the y and add ies.
02 February 2018
This week’s spellings is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 08 February.
Group 1
Use your phonics to match the pictures to the words.
Group 2
Write the correct phase 5 sound into the space for each word.
Group 3 and 4
Practice your contractions (where two or more words are put together and leaving out some of the letters or sounds) and homophones (two or more words having the same pronunciation but different meanings and/or spellings).
26 January 2018
This week, the spellings are to learn – ready to be tested on Thursday 1 February. Have a look in your child’s book for which group they are in.
Group 1
he, she, the, then, they
Group 2
me, he, she, the, then, they, there, this
Group 3
people, through (I go through the field..), threw (I threw the ball…), these, laughed
Group 4
people, through (I go through the field..), threw (I threw the ball…), these, laughed, suddenly, because, different
19 January 2018
This week’s spelling work is a spelling task.
Year 1 have a phonics-based task where they need to identify the digraphs, which we have been learning this week in words.
Year 2 have a common exception words word search. Year 2s are expected to be able to read and write the common exception words by the end of Year 2 correctly. Have a look at the word mat to see all of the words – Year 2 have 14 of these to find in their word searches.
12 January 2018
This week’s spellings homework is a spelling list. It’s due in on Thursday 18 January.
Have a look in your child’s book to see which spellings they have.
- Group 1: in, is, it, as
- Group 2: was, you, they, are, my
- Group 3: like, so, do, come, some, were, there, little
- Group 4: grow, grew, fly, flew, bring, brought, fight, fought, teach, taught
05 January 2018
This week’s homework is a spelling task.
Year 1 have a high frequency word list to practice spelling.
Year 2 have a list of irregular verbs to practice spelling. Can the children say a sentence using the irregular past tense verb?
All of the spellings tasks are focusing on the “Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check” method. The children will not be tested on spelling these words this week.
08 November 2017
This week’s spelling work is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 14 November.
Year 1 have a spelling puzzle to complete – practising sounding out words using their phonics knowledge.
Year 2 are practising their homophones – words that sound the same but have different meanings and are spelt differently.
01 December 2017
For all children in Year 1, this week’s spelling is to learn how to spell the days of the week. Because these are proper nouns, they must have a capital letter to be correct.
For all children in Year 2, this week’s spelling is to learn how to spell the days of the week and the months of the year. They must have a capital letter to be correct.
Friday 17 November
This week, our spellings homework is a list of words to learn for a test based on our phonics learning. Have a look in your child’s book or ask me at the gate if you are unsure of which group they are in.
Group 1
Group 2
10 November 2017
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task.
Year 1 have a phonics based spelling task. The children need to use their growing phonics knowledge to recognise the sounds in the words. Using the key at the top, colour the box the correct colour. What picture will it reveal? Have a look in the homework books to see which picture your child has.
Year 2 have a homophones task to complete. Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelt differently. This week we are focusing on to, too and two:
- I went to the park.
- I would like to come too.
- I had two bananas.