Our new spellings for the next two weeks will be:
of, once, one, our, pull, push, put, said, saw, says.
Why not try our super spelling strategy?
23 and 30 September 2022
Spellings for each year group are below. On the first week, use the look, say, cover, write, check method. On the second week, write the words in shapes in your homework books.
Year 1
- do
- for
- friend
- full
- go
Year 2
- has
- he
- here
- his
- house
- is
- love
- me
- my
- no
16 September 2022
This weeks spellings are the same as last weeks. Please continue to practice them. Why not try the look, say, cover, write and check method.
Y1: are ask be by come
Y2: are ask be by come do for friend full go
09 September 2022 – Year 1
This week’s spellings are ‘Common Exception’ words – words that don’t follow the usual spelling rule or pattern. We keep spellings for 2 weeks.
Encourage children to write their spellings out a few times over the 2 weeks.
This week’s spellings are:
- are
- ask
- be
- by
- come
Why not try our super spelling strategy?
08 July 2022
Y1: day play say boy toy annoy said is
Y2: happier happiest replies replied copies copied copier didn’t can’t hasn’t
01 July 2022
Year 1: rain wait train afraid oil join coin point
Year 2: cry cried cries fly flied flies reply replies replied every
23 June 2022
Year 1: grander grandest fresher freshest quicker quickest
Year 2: metal pedal capital hospital animal pencil fossil nostril many again
17 June 2022
Year 1: hunting hunted hunter buzzing buzzed buzzer
Year 2: camel tunnel squirrel travel towel tinsel could would looked people
10 June 2022
Year 1: pencil, fossil, nostril, cry, fly, try
Year 2: write, written, wrote, wrong, wrap, table, apple, bottle, little, middle.
20 May 2022
Please practise your spellings for another week.
Y1: have live give love was
Y2: race ice cell city fancy knock know knee gnat gnaw